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You rushed through the specialized prison that All For One was kept in, exiled from the rest of the world, with only a handful knowing it's whereabouts and what exactly was inside.

Words you didn't think you'd ever hear from your father were held in your right hand, scrunched up into a small ball.

Let's talk.

It was not an intention to talk that drove your feet to move but rather fury.

How dare he ask for your presence after everything?

Yet, this tinge of curiosity, of longing for answers to questions you hadn't asked yet, lingered in the back of your mind.

You found the heavily guarded entrance to All For One's cell and were allowed inside, immediately feeling the lens of the security cameras aiming at you.

The twist of your stomach became much more apparent when you saw him, completely calm as he was strapped to the chair with IVs containing drugs that blocked his quirk attached to him.

Just an hour before, your friends were urging you not to do this, like being in his presence was like placing yourself unarmed in a den of lions, except they had the minds of crows.

A murder.

You sat on the chair right in front of the window that separated you from All For One, your natural cold expression plastered on your face. "Let's talk," you said plainly, because it was a fact rather than a request, because it would definitely happen.

The fact that the world was turning seemed to be abundantly clear at the moment. The ground felt like it was moving. Waiting to open and swallow you.

However, for fifteen minutes, words were not exchanged, but everything else was.

You noticed his head move a bit when you rolled the ring Shouto gave you along your finger.

When you gently swiped at your under eye when it was itchy because Mina had done your makeup that morning.

When you gently moved your strands out of your face because Yaoyorozu did your hair for you.

When you adopted Uraraka's nervous tapping of her fingertips together.

However, one thing that was left unreadable were your eyes, a dull shade with no clear sign of anything behind them. No matter how many times you touched your hair or itched your eye, they could never quite be read like eyes.

But that was a controlled mask that you knew when to drop and who to drop it around.

"Would you like you friends' quirks back?"

You blinked slowly, then answered, "Yes." A short answer with a silent question of why.

"And what would you be willing to do?"

"What are my options?"

All For One held his cards close to his chest, for his plans were ones that could be cracked open if you catch a glimpse of even one face.

"None. You just need to bring them here and I'll give them back."

"You can't possibly do that with that IV stuck into you." Your gaze fell on the pouch that was filled with the drug and you took a breath. "You're not being removed from that IV. I'm not putting my friends in danger for the slim chance that you'll give back their quirks."

"Hm. The daughter I know doesn't care about that thing."

You took in a breath and stood up. "Then I guess we've never met, have we?"

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