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You fidgeted with your fingers, seated in the back of the bus on your way to the Provisional License Exams. You didn't have to take it, but you remember how it felt when you did.

Being against pro heroes, against other schools.

"Y/N." You looked up at the boy next to you, his eyes having no sense of comfort whatsoever but his aura having a feeling of that awkward pat on the back that you never quite understood.


"No, I was just making sure you were still..."


"I don't know."

Ashido looked back and sighed. "Is it just me, or did that conversation hurt to watch?" Kaminari nodded. "I agree."

You looked down at your phone and saw that one of your favourite animes had updated. Why did I have to come? I'm not even participating.

The bus came to a stop and you were all told to get off the bus.

You leaned on the bus as the rest of your class huddled to talk about the exam, but then we're interrupted by a rather energetic boy from another school that you recognized well.

Shiketsu High.

"Inasa, right?" He stopped aggressively banging his head on the ground and looked up. "Oh! You're the girl that handed out water after the Recommendations Exams!"

You nodded and flicked your wrist so a gust of wind made him stand straight. "No need to bow. Our school is on the same level as yours. You ranked highest on our Recommendation Exams, did you not?"

Inasa nodded. "But I think Shiketsu was the right path."

"I see. Continue on doing that, then."

Kaminari leaned over to Kirishima. "She's getting better a communicating." He let out a fake sob. "She's growing up!"

Before you walked away, you stopped once a familiar school came into view, as well as a familiar face. "Y/N!" The boy ran up to you with a grin and held out his hand.

At first, most of your class thought you would stare at it without knowing what you were supposed to do, but then...


You and the boy shared a complicated handshake ending in your pinkies linking.

"It's good to see you!" He exclaimed. You nodded to say the feeling was mutual. "Haha.. still not the most expressive, huh? Anyways, you've been on TV a ton lately, haven't you?"

"Who's this?" Shouto walked up and put a jealous hand on your shoulder, although you weren't able to tell.

"This is Shindo Yo. His mom own the cafe I like to go to."


Ashido gently elbowed him with a grin. "Oh? Are you jealous, Todoroki?" He shook his head and let go of your shoulder. "Nothing of the sort."

"Hey Todoroki!" A girl from Shindo's school ran up to the two of you. "Can I have an autograph? You were so cool at the Sports Festival!"

You stepped a bit closer to him and the girl looked at you. "And you're a pro hero! I've never met someone so high up in the ranks before, and so young."

"Yeah." You averted your gaze. "Anyways, get your autograph I guess."

You walked passed Shindo and into the ground for the exam, making your way into the stands and sitting down where you'd be able to see everything.

"It looks different from the last time I was here." You mumbled to yourself.

You began watching the next episode of the anime you got a notification for, bringing your knees in your cloak.

"Hey hey!"

I don't like the sound of that.

A woman with light green slid into the seat next to you. "Ms, Joke at your service! Nice to see you again, Y/N!" You sighed and turned off your phone, replying, "Yes, you too."

Very few know, but it's only mutual if you simply nod in response. It wasn't that you didn't like Ms. Joke, it was just that you were in the midst of watching anime.

"Come on, give me a smile!"

You didn't.

It was odd, especially because even Ms. Joke's quirk didn't work on you. The quirk to make people laugh. It was actually Aizawa's request to try and use the quirk on you, but you did nothing.

Aizawa sat a few seats away, examining the vast field in front of them.

Then you remembered something: you should've told your class about it. About the Crushing of UA.

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