UA Dorms

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"All Might." Tsukauchi walked in, placing a bouquet of flowers on All Night's side table.

Now that the battle was over, All Might, as well as many others were hospitalized for their injuries.

"Thank you, Tsukauchi."

"No. They're not from me. But the nurse said that it was dropped off by someone anonymous, so I can't say who it's from."

All Might examined the light pink petals.

"These are the only ones I know how to make."

"I have an idea." He placed the flowers in a vase and stared at them longingly. Now that he thought about it, he hadn't seen you since the battle.

"For now, I'm glad we were able to bring Class 1A back together." Aizawa said a few days later.

All the students were brought to the UA dorms, a mere five minute walk from UA. This wasn't only for the students' safety, but also to try and find the leak. The one that's been jeopardizing the safety of UA since day one.

Class 1A stood in front of the dorm building, gathered together as a class once again.

"Now, I'll explain the dormitories, but first I'll talk about getting your provisional licenses, as you were supposed to during the training camp."

Aizawa paused for a moment.

"Todoroki, Yaoyorozu, Midoriya, Kirishima, Iida. These five went to save Bakugou." He looked around the class. "From what I can tell, you all knew about this. If it weren't for the fact that All Might had just retired, all of you except Bakugou, Jirou, and Hagakure would've been expelled. I expect you to follow the rules to gain back our trust."

He turned around and began walking towards the dorms. "That's all. Come now, be energetic."

Of course, they really weren't.

Bakugou looked over at Kirishima and sighed through his teeth, grabbing Kaminari by the uniform and dragging him behind the hedges.

There was a loud crackle and he emerged from the leaves in his "yay mode" as Jirou called it. While the class was distracted with that, Bakugou walked up to Kirishima, a stack of money in his hands.


"What?! What kind of person did you get this money from?!"

"I withdrew it, idiot." He slammed the money into Kirishima's chest. "You used your allowance, didn't you? Don't go buying stuff and then save all over again to make me feel guilty!!"

Kirishima smiled. Bakugou had a weird way of caring.

"These are your dorms." Aizawa explained. "The girls are on the right side while the boys are on the left. The floors are separated by class, but this floor is the common room. The laundry and baths are here as well."

Everyone marvelled the space, Uraraka being quite excited for the sudden upgrade in living conditions.

"All your stuff has been moved to your rooms so go unpack and make yourself at home."

And a long day of unpacking it was.

After everyone was finished packing, they gathered in the common room to finally relax after everything.

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