Memories Lost in Time

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You were seated on the hospital bed if the infirmary, a manga laid out in front of you as you waited for the police to arrive.

Once you got to the last page of the fourth chapter, the door opened and you saw Tsukauchi walk in with a gentle smile spread across his face.

"Good afternoon."

You bowed your head in response and closed your book, placing it on the side table.

"How are your injuries?" He asked as he sat at the end of the bed. "They're fine." He waited for a bit of an explanation, but got none, so he pulled out his notebook.

"I'll just be asking you some questions and I'll leave you be." You hummed and leaned back on your headboard, as if to say, "Ask away."

"So, how long were you serving under All For One?"

"Since I was four. It got more serious at the age of twelve."

Tsukauchi stared for a moment before scribbling something down and looking up again. "And... did you have a good relationship with the League of Villains?" You shook your head and he made an X motion in his notebook.

"Did you do anything willingly or was it under that sort of puppet-like state?"

"Vein Puppet."


"That's the name of the quirk to make that 'puppet-like state.' It uses the veins in a human's body and uses them as if they were puppet strings to make the person do what they want. It doesn't harm them, but it stops blood from pumping throughout their brain, so they have little to no control over themselves."

Tsukauchi didn't even write that down. He leaned forward a bit. "And that's why you made a vein pop in your shoulder?"

"The quirk needs an entry way. Mine was in my shoulder."

"Oh... and this quirk has been affecting you since you were four?"

You nodded, clearly not wanting to explain any further. Tsukauchi wasn't even sure if he wanted you to explain any further. He looked at Recovery Girl, her face clearly showing her concern for you.

"This will be the final question."

It wasn't supposed to be the final question, but you clearly didn't want to answer any more.

"What's your relationship with your father?"

The glass of water on your side table burst, the shards scattering through the room as the water inside sprayed the walls.

You inhaled deeply, a fire ignited in your eyes at the sound of the word father. "I don't have one." You finally answered. Tsukauchi and Recovery Girl looked at each other.

"That was the last question, wasn't it?"

"Uh.. y-yeah, it was. Thanks for your time."

Tsukauchi left the infirmary and you looked around, glass on the ground and water puddling on the floor and damping the walls.

You flicked your wrist and the glass' previous form returned with the water inside.

In one swift motion, you were lying down underneath your blanket. "Recovery Girl. If Shouto comes by, please tell him that I'm resting."

She nodded slowly as you let yourself sink into the covers.




"Mama!" You ran across your house and grinned, hugging your mom's leg as she cooked.

"You're going to get burned, don't get too close."

"I'll be fine!" You looked up at the pot. "We can't have your homemade mochi?" Your mom shook her head with a sigh. "You can't only eat mochi, Y/N. We're having soba." You pouted. "Soba?"

Your mom nodded and rubbed your head, growing a pillar from the floor so you had something to stand on.

"Where's papa?"

Your mom stopped for a moment and put down her spoon. "Papa is gone." She stated, no such remorse in her voice. "And hopefully for a while."

"Huh? Why? Did papa do something bad?"

"Don't worry about it, okay? It's just grown up stuff."

You stuck out your bottom lip but decided not to ask anymore questions. "Can I go to my room?" Your mom nodded and you skipped away.

As you seated yourself on your bed, you pulled out a small book and began turning the pages. Why doesn't mama and papa get along? You thought as you scanned the pages.

After a while, you dozed off, thinking your mom would call you when the food was ready.

Instead, you were woken up by a burning smell. You thought you were dreaming until something fell on you and you felt a burning pain in your shoulder.

Your eyes were now wide and you saw the fire that spread from your door to the ceiling, the roof caving in slowly.

"M-Mama?!" You jumped out of bed and searched around, running out the door and searching the second floor. "Mama!!"

You thought that the stove started the fire, so you thought your mom would've ran from it already. You rushed downstairs, the smoke filling your senses as your eyes watered.


You ran to the kitchen and saw that the stove was off. No fire. No heat. The food wasn't even burnt.

"Oh, Y/N." You gasped and turned around, seeing your father standing there amongst the fire. "I thought you were still at school."

"N-no..." You stepped back. "You know my school ended a long time ago. Where's mama?"

"Come on, are you not happy to see your papa?"

"I said... WHERE'S MAMA?!" As fire began to come closer, water radiated from your body and the fire hissed, vaporizing the water and disappearing.

Walls formed around you except for in front of you, your hands balling into fists as your hair seemed to be getting blown upwards. "WHAT HAPPENED TO MAMA?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?"

Your father looked down at you, interest in his eyes as he knelt down. A quirk, he thought. You had finally gotten your quirk.

He walked up to you slowly and wrapped one arm around you, water still whipping him as you tried to push away.

Then he placed his hand on yours, using a power that he had gained many years ago, an agonizing pain surging through your body like electricity through a wire.

You screamed and pushed away, falling on you butt as the fire around you was blown back.

"You want your mama? Here."




You gasped and sat up in bed. The room was dark and there was a tray of mochi next to your bed.

"Just a dream..." You put your hand over your shoulder. It always stops before I can see my mom... what... did she look like? You took a deep breath and leaned back on the headboard, not bothering to check what time it was. You knew it was late.

You lied back down and turned in bed, facing the window that displayed the night sky.

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