Cavalry Battle

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No one.

No one wanted to team up with Midoriya.

"Midnight, if no one ends up wanting to team up with Midoriya, what would happen?" She looked at you and smiled. "Well, it's never happened before, so we'll have to figure something out, won't we?"

You saw that Uraraka had been the first person in the 5 minutes people have been choosing teams that's approached Midoriya. It wasn't unexpected. She gave off romantic energy every time she was near him.

The two walked over to Iida, but you had a feeling he wouldn't be joining their team. He had been speaking with Todoroki earlier, and even you had to admit that it was hard to refuse a team offer from one of the strongest.

Todoroki would probably be the rider, creating distractions with his ice and... with his ice. Iida would most likely be the front because of his speed and physical strength, compared to the other two. Kaminari and Yaoyorozu on either wing... good defense until Kaminari blows a fuse.

Your thoughts were soon interrupted by the buzzer signifying that the time was over.

The teams were quite interesting. Shinso's team... probably was chosen by him. Class A, B, and C all in one team was a new thing, even for you.

Midoriya had Uraraka, Mei Hatsume from the support course, and Tokoyami. You could somewhat see what his plan was. Uraraka could make them float, should they ever need to get away, Hatsume's inventions could help out with quirk enhancement, and Dark Shadow could be their eyes when none of them could use their own.

Kuroiro was teamed up with Tsuburaba and Kaibara, whom you hung out with at the cafe, and lo and behold, Monoma. You could already hear the Class 1A slander.

Tsubaraba has the ability to trap, but can't reach inside. Kaibara only works well in close combat, but he also needs to focus on his teammates. On the other hand, he's levelheaded, focused, and a decent strategist. Kuroiro won't be able to use his since he has a team that he has to stick with as well. Monoma can copy... that would be interesting.

Before you could finish examining the teams, the cavalry battle began. As expected, every team went after Midoriya.

Almost immediately, Midoriya' team began sinking into the ground. Honenuki's quirk... He had made your frozen ice cream liquid when you hung out with him and Kuroiro. You were surprised that Kuroiro had so many people to show you.

But, you knew Midoriya.

"He flew!" Tetsutetsu exclaimed. With Dark Shadow on offense, despite everyone being after them, Midoriya's team was almost untouchable.

Hagakure's team had lost their headband, and you saw Monoma twirling it on his finger. Oh, how you wanted to just... smack it to the ground.

"Shoji? All by himself?!"

You looked over to Midoriya's team and squinted. No... You felt the energy coming from Shoji. There were two other people, hidden behind his tentacles. And one was quite the nuisance to Midoriya's team.

"That's one of Mineta's...! But where did it come from?"

You weren't in the mood to hear his creepy tone, so you turned towards Todoroki's team. He had more headbands than before, so he was fine. You glanced at the other teams and sighed. No he wasn't.

"NO, MY BABY!!" You turned once more and saw the piece of a rocket boot stuck on the ground. I'd be the one to go through the pain of taking that off.. won't I?

There was a loud explosion and Bakugou flew into your line of view. "It's alright if he didn't touch the ground." You announced, though you admit it was reckless. He had to control his anger sometimes.

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