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"I sent out the date and time of the attack via code. And if I make it sound easy, believe me, it wasn't." Hawks stepped forward as feathers drifted in the air around him, pointed at someone he once called a friend. 

"The real threat here was the sheer numbers on your side, so... I had to keep an eye out, especially for you and your double. Certainly couldn't leave you to your own devices."

Twice gazed up at who he once believed was a teammate. A friend. Betrayal isn't unfamiliar to him, but this? Again?

"But... hold on." He said, shakily. He recalled the past, when he was careless, when he brought trouble to an already troubled group. "It's always... like this."

Twice held his head, stinging tears in his eyes as the one he once called friend was now simply the silhouette of a monster. "Not again!! I had to- I had to trust you because I felt bad for you!"

"What's a guy with nothing left supposed to do?

"Find someone who will trust you."



"How sad is it if nobody trusts you?!"

Hawks stared down at the quivering figure on the ground at the mercy of his feathers. "Well, thanks. You've just been unlucky. I'll help you start over. Because... you're a good person."

Starting over is easy words to say, like most things.

A fresh start seems so obtainable until you actually try to get it. 

But Twice? He wouldn't fall for such words, who are so pedestrian to him at this point, because what kind of villain has never been told that they could have a 'fresh start?'

"Shut up... You call yourself a hero? 'Fresh start?' That's a load of crap."

"Stop that."

"Come on!"


"As for what happens to me... I stopped giving a damn way back!" Twice rose, his mask ripping at his head and revealing the true emotion behind his eyes. Well, one could say true, but there was much more than one on his face.

Hurt is certainly dominant, though.

"I don't want to fight you, Bubaigawara!" Hawks insisted.

"Well good for freaking you!"

His clones began emerging around him, mimicking the same tearful expression through their bodysuits. "I'd trade my soul for the league's happiness!"

Hawks' feathers served as his weapons, piercing through each clone, some proving to be weaker than others as Twice kept replicating.

"After coming this far, I could never allow mere sentiment to trip me up." Hawks said, reaching into his jacket. "There's still a way forward if you come quietly now. Because I like you."

Twice didn't need a moment to think about it. "These're my only friends in the world and you ain't welcome to the club!" 

He created clones of the league, only for them to be quickly beaten by Hawks' feathers.

"It's useless, you scum! You total dirtbag!!"

"Why do you think I prioritize speed when taking down villains?" Hawks frowned. "Because it's the ones who don't give up who heroes need to fear the most. Experienced villains with wills of steel refuse to get knocked out."

Hawks sped forward with a feather in hand and sliced Twice's chest, spun around, and ended up on top of him, the weapon to Twice's face. "When neither side will give up, somebody has to die."

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