The Past Never Dies

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You bulleted through the sky and caught Bakugou in your arms, blood seeping into the black fabric of your outfit.

"Bakugou!" Shouto flew up to you, using his fire as jets, as her carried his father with him.

"You're stronger than I thought you were." You noted.

The two of your went down to the ground and you gently placed Bakugou on his back. "You're calm." Rock Lock noticed.

You glanced at Midoriya's position, then down at your hands that were tending to Bakugou. They shook a bit, but not noticeably enough. You thought back to the USJ when your class was much weaker than they currently are.

Your mind returned to your thoughts while you were protecting your class, scared that your father would make you freeze up and you wouldn't be able to fight for them.

I'm not. I'm terrified. Terrified you guys will get hurt.

"I'm not." You finally said in response. "But emotions numb rationality."

Midoriya's entire being was simply filled with rage. His head flashed images of his loved ones injured, battered, an unsightly view. He sent Shigaraki a glare, a question without words.

"How dare you?"

Shigaraki's fingers contorted to the black tendrils that stabbed Bakugou and Endeavour, targeting the enraged boy. Midoriya took them in his hands and teeth and they shattered.

"Take it back!"

You stood. "I believe my father is on the brink of killing my classmate. So I believe I must intervene."

You appeared between Shigaraki and Midoriya, swinging your hand and sending Shigaraki back with a strong gust of wind. "Did he touch you?"


"Midoriya!" He suddenly went limp and you grabbed him before he could hit the ground. "Midoriya! Hey!"

"You... stay in there!" Shigaraki's voice ordered.

"Don't be like that, Tomura. Besides, I clearly had to lend you my strength." A sort of ghost of All For One clung to Shigaraki's right side. "You nearly burned to Cinders, and even after surviving that, you would have plummeted to your death."

"Just shut up already! Like I said, master... I'm running the show now! This is my dream!"

Midoriya tried to move, but he couldn't even speak, let alone step towards his foe.

"You can't move in this world yet." He felt a hand place itself on the back of his head, tenderly enough for him not to feel hostile towards its owner. "So let us handle this."

The person rose to their feet and Midoriya recognized their face: Nana Shumura.

"To think, not even my death could keep us from meeting again... All For One."

"Midoriya!" You shook his shoulders before placing him down on the ground next to Bakugou.

Shigaraki still kept his position in the sky, motionless, but not falling, as if someone was holding him up. You stood up and stared at it for a while.

"Y/N?" Shouto took your shoulder. "Are you alright?"

You continued staring in silence, a quiet ringing in your ears beginning to sound like a voice.

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