The World of Pros

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"M-Midoriya..." Mineta began. "What... IS GOING ON WITH HER?!" Your eyes glowed white, the ground under your fist cracking from the pressure. You didn't look mad, but anyone who saw you would know you were.

You sped forward, your foot cracking the ground behind you.

Earthing Impact

Three spikes emerged from the ground, surrounding the Nomu. But it wasn't done.

The Nomu broke through the rock and you held out your hand, little droplets releasing from your fingertips. The little droplets then turned to spikes of ice, aiming at the Nomu's eyes. It stabbed right through and you stood up straight.

There's no way it's that easy. There's some catch, isn't there?

You were right. Seconds after the eyes bled out, new ones regenerated in. You glanced at the door and saw that Iida was trying to get in. You lifted your hand, making the metal door creak, then completely detach.

Iida looked back at you and you motioned for him to leave.


You turned and saw the way the Nomu was twisting Aizawa's arms, but you were sure that the quirk was erased. So it was just that strong. You lifted your hand.

Mother, grant me the skill to switch the places of these earthly objects


Aizawa switched with a piece of rubble nearby and you ran to him. These wounds were too severe for you to heal, so you just had to wait for Recovery Girl to do it.

Midoriya, Tsu, and Mineta watched you from the water. "She's incredible..." Mineta whispered, Tsu croaking in agreement. Their eyes all widened when they saw the Nomu grab you, but you turned.

Aerial Blast

The Nomu was blasted away from you, though it broke your arm. You winced a bit, but then you arm went back to normal from you reconstructing your bones.

You noticed the warp villain had appeared next to the one with lots of hands. "Tomura Shigaraki." You tilted your head. Is that the hand guy's name? "I put Thirteen out of action, but there were students I was unable to disperse, and one got away."

In an angry fit, Shigaraki scratched at his neck vigorously, though that was not of concern to you at the moment. "Kurogiri.. if you weren't a warp gate, I would've killed you by now." He said. He abruptly stopped and dropped his arms.

"We can't win against dozens of pro heroes. It's game over this time."

You froze and looked at Shigaraki. After all this trouble, they'd declare 'game over'?

"Oh yeah... before we leave, let's smash some of his pride as the Symbol of Peace."

Before your eyes, Shigaraki sped towards where Tsu, Midoriya, and Mineta were, reaching his hand towards Tsu. But when he put his hand on her... "Dammit... you really are cool, Eraser Head."

The Nomu went passed you and smashed Aizawa's head, knocking him out.

"Let go of her!!" Midoriya yelled, balling his fist to punch. You were about to go back to the Nomu, but it had already ran towards Shigaraki and blocked the punch. You lifted your hand and wrapped a vine around Midoriya, Tsu, and Mineta, throwing them towards you.

"I apologize for the roughness." You began. "But it's best to let the pros handle this."

On queue, there was a blast at the entrance, and a familiar figure emerged from the dust. "It's fine now... because I am here!"

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