The First Day

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You had a drink from your favourite cafe in hand, and your phone in the other as you made your way back to the school. Not paying attention, you accidentally bumped into someone, who happened to be attending the school as well.

"S-sorry." He said. You looked up from your phone and stared at him. Completely black skin, totally contrasting from his white hair. "Hey, Y/N!" You felt a hand slap your back and you glanced to the side to meet Mirio's eyes. "Making friends?"

You looked from him to the boy in front of you and shook your head. "Oh. Well, why don't you try?" He gently pushed you closer to the white headed boy as you both stared at each other.

"Man, neither of you are good at this." Mirio said. He took your phone and opened your social media. "Here, this is their social media account." He showed the screen to the boy you had bumped into a few moments ago. "Be sure to add them!"

You were given back your phone and Mirio walked into the school. "I apologize." You told the boy, putting your phone in your pocket. "He is much more extroverted than me." The boy nodded. "We... could be friends."

He pulled out his phone and followed you on social media, making your phone vibrate in your pocket. "I'm Shihai Kuroiro." You bowed your head. "I'm Y/N L/N."

"Oh, you mean the girl on the news?"

"The news?"

"Yeah, you were all over the news last month for stopping those villains single-handedly."


He checked the time and said, "We should get going. Which class are you in?" "Class 1A." He nodded. "That was a dumb question. Of course you are. I'm in Class 1B." You walked towards the school, motioning for him to follow. "Your class isn't too far from mine."


"Y/N!" You stopped, making Kuroiro stop as well. "Oh... Ectoplasm. Do you need something?" He nodded and asked you to pick something up from the faculty room before going to class. "I'll inform Aizawa." You bowed and walked to the faculty room.

"Bye Y/N." Kuroiro said. You stopped and turned your head. "Bye." He watched as you turned the corner. She didn't seem happy... or sad for that matter.

You picked up the textbooks from the faculty room and walked to Ectoplasm's office, placing them on his desk. "Thank you, Y/N. You're late for class, so hurry up." You bowed and went to class.


"Aizawa-sensei," A student rose his hand. "There is an empty desk. Is it a mistake?" Aizawa sighed and shook his head. "She's just late."

Almost on queue, the door opened and you walked in. "Sorry, Aizawa-sensei. Ectoplasm needed me to do him a favour." Aizawa turned to the door and nodded. "Yeah, I know. It's fine." You looked at your seat and lifted your hand.

Clenching it into a fist, you appeared in your seat, making all the heads turn. "Wow..." A purple haired -- could you even call it hair? -- boy marveled. "We'll be going to the training grounds. Get into your gym uniforms."

Once you all did that, you all gathered at the training grounds for, "A QUIRK ASSESSMENT TEST?!" You looked at the ground. Why are they so loud? "What about the entrance ceremony? The orientation?" A girl with short brown hair asked. 

You heard Aizawa's words blur together, as you've heard this so many times for the past 5 years. "The one with the lowest score in all eight tests will be judged to have no potential and will be expelled." Aizawa finished. Everyone made a yelp of worry as you felt Aizawa's energy. He says this every year, but for some reason, this year he was lying.

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