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You and Todoroki went into the building. "Do you have any way of telling where they are?" Todoroki asked you. You nodded and knelt down, pressing your hand on the floor.

"Hagakure is in the hall on the north side of the fourth floor. Ojiro is standing still on the same floor, so I assume he's next to the bomb." You balled your hand into a fist and stood up. "I got Hagakure."

"You couldn't get Ojiro?"

"My plants can only grow in one spot."

Todoroki nodded and instructed you to step outside. "I can stay in here." He nodded and encased the whole building in ice. Under you, the ice hissed as it turned to water. "I'll get Hagakure. You just go to the bomb."

He nodded and the two of you separated on the fourth floor.

"Hagakure?" You looked at your coil of vines and saw that it was open in the middle. "So I did get her."

She squealed in annoyance. "You got me so quick, too! And it's cold!"

You didn't let her go until you heard the words, "Heroes win!", and you made the vines disappear. "Hot, hot, hot!" She squealed once her feet touched the melted ice.

You walked to the room Todoroki was in and lifted your hand, making the water evaporate. "Come on." Todoroki and Ojiro nodded and followed you back. You weren't quite sure if Hagakure was following you, though.

The other matches went on, but you kept getting this strange energy from someone in the room. It was somewhat shaming themselves, or just an upsetting energy altogether. "L/N?" You looked up and met eyes with Kaminari. "You seem to be lost in thought. You're not mentally judging us, are you?"

You stared at him for a minute. "No." He laughed. "You're funny, L/N."


"Y/N then!"

After the Hero Basic Training, everyone went back to normal classes. Well, almost everyone.

"Y/N, where are you going?" A pink girl asked. Mina Ashido was what was written under her picture when you got the class list. "I've already taken that class before, so I'm heading to the infirmary."

Kaminari stopped in his tracks and whirled around. "In your hero outfit?" You nodded. "I have to go on patrol right after, so I may as well keep it on."

"You're just like a real pro-hero, kero." The one named Tsuyu Asui said. "Do you already have your license?" You shook your head. "I have permission to fight until I get my official license. I'll be going now."

As you ran off, Mineta drooled. "Look at the way her butt sways when she runs~" Ashido smacked him on the back of his head. "Shut it, pervert! She doesn't need someone like you looking at her like that!"

You, on the other hand, had just arrived at the infirmary. "Is Midoriya alright?" All Might, who was now in his skeleton state, looked at you. "Goodness, young Y/N, you startled me. I thought you were someone else."

You walked up next to him. "You handed your power to him, right?" All Might nodded, as you crossed your arms. "Isn't it rather reckless to continue a fight when it's going too far?"

Recovery Girl hmphed in agreement. "Y/N's right, All Might! He doesn't have enough stamina for me to fully heal him, so he'll have to come back tomorrow!" You put your hand on Midoriya's arm. "Y/N, you don't need to heal him. I know it drains energy out of you, and you have to patrol in a few minutes."

All Might put his hand on your shoulder. "Don't worry about it. Besides, while you're incredibly powerful, everyone has their limits." He smirked. "Even young Todoroki." You glanced at him. "Why is he especially mentioned?"

Ice ColdTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang