The Final Exams

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"Y/N, will you be taking the final exams?" Uraraka asked. You nodded, finishing the last of your mochi. "Even I can't escape final exams. However, I won't have the same conditions as you do, seeing as I'm technically already a pro hero."

Midoriya tilted his head. "So does that mean you know what the final exams will be like?" You nodded once more. "I'm sworn to secrecy, though."


Unlike the other students, you weren't really given to much time to study or train since you had patrol almost everyday. You did manage to squeeze some studying in at night, but you didn't really train, other than as a pro hero.

Finally, the exams rolled around.

As you stared at your exam paper, you quickly answered all the questions and slowly put down your pencil. You weren't too fond of being the first to finish and having to walk up to Aizawa's desk, so you flicked your wrist and the paper was blown in front of him.

All that was left was the practical exam.

You already knew who was going to be partnered with who, although you were a bit concerned with one pair.

"Are you sure this pair will work?" You asked, looking at the pairing of Midoriya and Bakugou. "They need to learn to work together if they want to be pro heroes. This is alright." Principal Nezu assured. "I'm sure they will be able to adapt."

Soon enough, the written exams were done, and everyone was lead to the practical exams area.

The rules were explained, leaving many students in shock.

"We have to fight you?"

Aizawa nodded. "We won't be going easy on you, as if we were villains. You'll have to find a way around it in your own."

Kaminari tapped your shoulder. "Are you going to be doing this, too?" You hummed to affirm and looked straightforward.

The pairs were announced and you immediately felt the angry energy coming from one particular person.


Midoriya lifted his hand. "Aizawa-sensei, if the rest of us are paired up, what about Y/N?" Aizawa stopped and turned around. "She's going to be by herself. If you'd like to see her in action while she has a partner, you may ask Principal Nezu for the footage."

"The time limit for the match is thirty minutes. The objective is to either put these handcuffs on your teachers, or one of you has to escape." Principal Nezu explained.

You raised your hand. "Will the handicap be similar to last year's first year exams?" All Might nodded. "The support course made us Ultra Compressed Weights, to put on half our body weight."

"And will you be putting those on for me as well?"

"Yes, it's the same for all--"

"There's no need."

And you walked off. Uraraka raised her hand. "Um... So Y/N will be going one on one with one of the teachers?" Midnight shook her head. "In Y/N's case, it'll be two teachers against one! Although, I think taking off the weights with her will be a good idea..."

"Why?" Midnight sighed. "She learned how to control metal, and used it in a battle with a bank burglar. Apparently, she controlled the steel ring on his finger and dragged him towards her."


"Kirishima, Sato, get ready." Aizawa ordered. "Those waiting can come up with a plan for when it's their turn."

You stood next to Recovery Girl, hearing her complain about the work she'll have to do today. "If you like, I can help." She shook her head. "Save your energy for your battle, Y/N."

Midoriya and Uraraka came into the room, assuming that they both had trouble with their partners.

You examined the battle, watching Kirishima and Sato bash through the cement Cementoss, you silently thought of the strategy you would use if you had their quirks. You would've run. They could really only bash through things, but Cementoss' limit is much higher than there's . They were bound to run out of energy before he did.

And that's what happened.

Then there was Tsu and Tokoyami against Ectoplasm. When you were speaking with Tsu, she told you about her skills and what she could do. There was one thing that you told her would be useful in battle, but she said she'd only do it under dire circumstances.

You opened a book that Recovery Girl had given you on the human body for when you're reconstructing bones or skin, wondering if you'd actually become like Recovery Girl when you were an adult rather than All Might.

With your nose in a book, the battle raged on with Midoriya and Uraraka watching closely on screen. You heard of their triumph on the PA and got up.

"Oh, Y/N, is it your turn?" Uraraka asked. You shook your head. "Power Loader and Aizawa-sensei is next, and they're the people I'm fighting, so I can't examine the battle."

It was a shame, since it was Todoroki's battle, and the two of you both wanted to watch each other's matches. You did train together after all. But you promised to watch the recording afterwards, so you were fine.

You sat in a waiting room, your phone in hand, and you scrolled through social media.

"Y/N-san." You looked up and met eyes with Yaoyorozu. "Hello. Did you need something?"

She nodded and sat across from you. "Todoroki-san and I aren't necessarily close, so I don't really know much about his quirk. Is there anything that you can tell me, if it's not considered cheating?"

You nodded.

"One, that large glacier he had made in the sports festival isn't his full extent, but close to it. Two, he doesn't have much practice with his fire side, however, he can blast strong flames in a specific direction, also meaning he can aim. Three, while his quirk is incredible, most of the time, he doesn't have a backup plan. And four, he can melt his ice, but it goes about as slow as leaving an ice cube out in the summer."

Yaoyorozu fidgeted with her fingers. "I see. Thank you, Y/N-san. I'll use that!" "Wait, Yaoyorozu-san." She stopped and looked back at you.

"I understand that you think highly of Todoroki-kun, but don't compare yourself to him. Remember, you both started at the same point, and I'm sure you understand Todoroki may be better than you in the practical area. However, that doesn't mean you're lower than him. So don't widen the gap."

She nodded and ran off.

You rested your head on your hand, staring at the door still slightly ajar. She was pretty degraded when she lost to Tokoyami during the sports festival, and you knew that she hold Todoroki highly. You hoped that she wouldn't let that affect her too much.

On the other hand, it seems like it's the total opposite with Todoroki.

Knowing Todoroki, his plan is most likely to make their way towards the exits. If they were to come across Aizawa-sensei, he would lure Aizawa-sensei to him, while Yaoyorozu runs. However, if that is plan, should Todoroki get restrained, what would be the backup? And if that were to to happen, wouldn't Todoroki fail as well?

"Well, look who it is!" You looked towards the door and saw Ashido and Kaminari in the doorway. "You're not watching Todoroki's match?"

You shook your head. "I'm going up against Aizawa-sensei and Power Loader in the exams, so I can't examine them."

"Hey, you know those handcuffs?" Kaminari began. "Can you control them with your earth side?"

"No, they're specifically made so I can't do that. It's not natural metal, apparently, but rather the faux metal you often find in children's toys."

You heard the announcement of Yaoyorozu and Todoroki had passed and you got up. "You're after Uraraka-chan and Aoyama-san. You should get ready."

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