Unready Bodies

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You sat next to Midnight, placing your hand over her wounds and allowing them to heal.

"You should be on the battlefield." She told you. "With your strength, our chances of winning would go up a notch."

"I have high doubts that this battle will end with anyone winning or losing." Your right hand ignited in a small blue flame and she flinched a bit before realizing that the heat was comforting. "I am not sure of what has happened in the time that I've been gone, but I know that my father has been wanting a vessel for his power for so long."

You pulled a bandage out of one of the departments of your outfit and began wrapping it around the wounds you couldn't heal. "I assume he's begun with Shigaraki's. In that sense, he'll have to retreat so that the body can recover and continue to develop. After all, not all bodies are built for the amount of quirks my father has."

This likely isn't something she wants to hear right after she was on the verge of death. "Can you contact anyone through your earpiece?"

"It's fried."

"I see. I apologize." You stood up and held out your hand, a grey slime emerging and then forming a clone of you. "So I was correct."

Midnight's eyes were wider than before and she moved away, believing you were Twice.

"The man you are thinking of is dead." Your double said, walking towards her. "Alas, this is his parting gift to me, one he never intended on giving."

Her brows knit together as she hesitantly held out her other arm for you to tend to. "You're... Y/N, what exactly is your quirk?"

The real you glanced back at her. "Like I said, not all bodies are built for the amount of quirks my father has." You pulled your hood down a bit more. "But mine is."


You stood behind a tree, eying your group of classmates as Yaoyorozu guided them, like she always did. A sense of pride always filled you when you saw your classmates, but you couldn't express it now.

When you held out your hand to make a clone, you tried thinking of people that you knew. Appearances you memorized, measurements, if there was anyone you knew like how Twice knew the League.

In your thoughts, you almost didn't feel your phone silently vibrating in your pocket. 

"Hello?" You whispered as you stood up and began walking away from the scene.

"Geez, I thought you were dead!"

"I told you, I trust in your abilities." You heard Aster's tired breathing on the other side, as if he were running. "What are you doing?"

"I'm in the airport right now, but flights to Japan are apparently 'not recommended at this time.'"

"Makes sense, considering the situation you dropped me in." You scanned the area, supposedly empty from what you could tell. "I gotta go, but I'll meet you at the airport if they let you."

"Sure thing."

He hung up and you tried to follow the faint noise of battle in the distance, where you somewhat heard crackling flames and explosions. You could at least figure out that Endeavour and Bakugou were in that direction.


"You heroes hurt your own families... just to help complete strangers!" Shigaraki claimed. However, he wasn't incorrect. Not entirely, at least.

But what's to say that villains don't hurt their own families to hurt complete strangers?

"You heroes... pretend to be society's guardians." He staggered to his feet. "For generations, you pretended not to see those you couldn't protect... and swept their pain under the rug. It's tainted everything you've built."

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