Chapter 26

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  • Dedicated to to all my readers

"Kratik has all ready said, what about you Sonal beta?" His father asked looking at my dee wanting her yes.

Sonal dee looked back at the floor again. I could understand her state of mind. I was the witness. I knew she would be unable to answer in this situation.

I had to do something but don't know what.

"Sonal?" My mother asked putting a comforting hand on Dee's shoulder.

But before I could say something, Kratik ji interrupted.

"If you allow, Can I talk to Sonal again?" I was astonished to see the polite Kratik ji. It was like one eighty degree turn.

"Oh okay" My mother said a little hesistantly. My parents didn't want to pressurise Dee.

"You too Aesha" Kratik ji looked at me with a small smile.

I nodded ny head without any choice. Also it will buy us more time.

I pulled Sonal dee with me to my room. She was unable to walk on her own due to the shock. I could feel Kratik ji's footsteps behind.

Once inside my room, I turned back and looked at him asking for explanation.

My expression delievered the same thing that I wanted, to get to the point.

Kratik ji nodded in understanding.

"Sonal" He called my dee to get her look up. Sonal dee stared back at him.

"I know you both are surprised but I promise you what I said downstair was true. I do like you Sonal"

"How?" My dee Whispered.

"I know its strange because of my earlier behaviour."

"Yes, it is but can you get to the point instead of moving in circles?" I asked impatiently.

"Okay Aesha"He smiled "I had visited many girls before you for the marriage and everywhere they were expecing to marry an NRI, no matter how I behaved. But for the first time, someone fought back to me for my rude behaviour no matter how polite she was and of course how can I forget her protective sister." Kratik ji said and smirked looking at me.

I knew, I was blushing hard like Sonal dee.

"I felt it was first time, someone saw me as only Kratik and not an NRI Kratik" Kratik ji sighed.

I looked at Sonal dee, she was looking at the floor and blushing. While Kratik ji was staring at her as if looking at a star that could only shine his life.

Was it the start of a new love story that could be told to generation after generation? Was this arrange marriage going to turn into a love one?

"But I do have a question" I interrupted the silent atmosphere.

"What is it?" Kratik ji asked curiously. I think he thought his explanation was enough.

"How do we believe you?Kratik ji, you didn't stood up for the right when your mother was saying those rubbish things. How can my sister trust that you will stand up for her for the rest of life?" I asked in a serious mode. I wanted answers. I knew it was not my place to ask. But she was my sister, who was always with me. And I had to stand up for her.

Kratik ji sighed "I know I should have objected it. My father and I have always tried to change my mother's mind but its hard. I have a sister you know and I love her as much as you both love each other. My mother doesn't neglect her but still there is a part which lacks a little devotion" He was really sad to say all these. He was afraid for his sister and care was visible.

[Completed]A Tale Of An Indian Wattpad WriterWhere stories live. Discover now