chapter 15

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Typed from mobile so forgive me for errors. The cover on this page is made by loveisbliss . I thank her for this nice cover.

Sunday was dramatic but it ended on a better note. I was happy and somewhat curious about the conversation I had with ARIndia. Chatting with him made me feel like I was familiar with him. He seemed troubled and had lots of deep emotions buried within him.

Monday came quickly and it was time to go back to school and get on with regular life.

Nani was still at our house and was planning to stay longer. I dont know what next was to come.

Yay! My life is full of Hindi serial dramas!

I reached school early so that I could catch up with Jenny but it seems she was with full planning to avoid me but I wasn't one to give up easily.

So when lunch break came, I grasped her arms and led her towards the garden area to have some privacy.

We reached the tree and I turned around to face her. She was looking everywhere except me.

I cleared my throat to gain her attention but she kept her head down and stared at the ground as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.

I knew, I would be wasting time by trying to make her look at me so I decided to talk instead.

"Jenny, I know you are avoiding me" She opened her mouth to protest but I cut her off "There's no denying it, everyone knows so don't try to say no"

Her head was still down but I knew she was listening.

"I don't know Jenny why this happened between us and I really want to know why you reacted like it. We have been friends for ages and its the first time we had a fight like this where we are scared to face each other and its killing me."

She looked up for a little in my eyes but again stared back at the ground.

I took a deep breath and released it. I knew she was not going to say anything and I had to try harder.

"Jenny, you know that I love you as a dear friend of mine. I don't want to loose you over a fight that I even don't why happened." I told her softly " So please tell me what happened between us? Why our so strong friendship was shaken"

I looked at her and she was staring back at me this time.

"Jenny please" I pleaded

She took a large breath and stuttered.

"I-I don't know" the words left out of her mouth was strange to me because it was what I was getting everywhere. It made me angry that she was hiding also.

"Enough Jenny! Everyone is saying the same and I know you have the answer to it so please say it" I pleaded the last part.

"I was just scared to loose you" She muttered.

"huh?" I asked

She sighed "I was just scared that if you and Arnav got closer together then I would loose my friend! Neha already has a boyfriend and if you get one also then I would be left behind! I will be the Jenny who keeps flirting and gushing about boys that no boy cares to be with her!" She shouted with anger and her face was flushed red.

I knew I was blushing red. I didn't know whether I should be blushing about the fact that she considered Arnav and me being together or be concerned about the part that my good friend was suffering from a little bit of inferiority complex and insecure.

I took a deep breath and steadied myself and waiting for her breathing to return normal.

"Jenny, Arnav and I aren't together. I dont know even we could be considered friends or not. Its complicated and as of you, you are one of the important persons in my life and I would never think of hurting you or leaving you alone." She was a little teary eyed.

I continued  "You are a beautiful person Jenny and I know there is someone out there for you who would love you unconditionally and right now we are just kids and let's enjoy together our school life and career." I gave her a big smile.

She was also smiling back now and nodding her head. We gave each other a hug and joined our group for lunch. Everyone was happy that everything was alright now. I knew our fight was making them uncomfortable also.

I decided to thank Arnav to encourage me to face Jenny. If he hadn't been there to help me then I don't know when would I had face Jenny.

After school, I waited for Arnav. He was running late due to some work with teacher.

I was leaning against a tree when I saw him exiting the school building.  I straightened up and smiled at him when he looked at me.

He was shocked to see me waiting. He walked towards me and stood in front of me waiting for me to speak out. Typical Arnav, no Hi or Hello.

"Thank you" I stared back at his beautiful eyes.

His forehead ceased with a frown.

"For what?" He asked.

"For encouraging me to talk with Jenny. You gave the push that I needed" I smiled.

"I know you would have done it without me."

"No, without you I wouldn't  have. So thank you"

"Umm Okay.... so now Jenny okay with you?"

I nodded smiling.

He gave a nod. I was glad that he was not asking why she did it. He was respecting my privacy and I liked it though somewhere I wanted him to care for me. But Thank god he didn't ask or else I would have been embarrassed to explain him how Jenny thought us as future girlfriend and boyfriend.

He was staring ahead of me and I don't know what came over me but I tipped on my toes and kissed his cheek as a thank you gesture.

He looked back at me stunned. His eyes were wide and surprised. I myself was shocked of what I had done and so I stared at the ground feeling shy and red with blush. I didn't know what he was thinking of me now.

I was a fool! Who kisses on cheek to just say thank you. Was all those English novels getting too much in my head. At this point I was sweating with worry. What if Arnav laughs or worse gets angry and calls me a cheap girl. I am an idiot.

My thoughts were broken up when Arnav pulled my chin with his hand and made me look at his eyes.

I gasped looking at his eyes. It held so much emotions like it was in some turmoil. I couldn't exactly read his emotions and I was no master in reading emotions. But this Arnav standing before me was different than I had known.

He left his hand from my cheek and they fell down at his side.

I thought he was going to turn back and run away but he surprised me when his hand came towards mine and held it together.

I gasped in surprise and he squeezed it and led us out of school campus. He held me hand as we walked together.

It was like a scence from Novel where the boy and girls hold the hand in the perfect weather and with utter happiness.

I could say I was living my fairytale.

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