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"No matter how much time passes, no matter what takes place in the interim, there are some things we can never assign to oblivion, memories we can never rub away."
~Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore

7 years later...

Time doesn't wait for anyone. Just like the wind, it blows away.

No more was the teenage girl that used to live in her dream world. No more was the girl that loved to do whatever she wanted without any care in this world.

seven years ago, in this same park a teenage girl had been waiting for someone. Now, seven years later she was still waiting... But in her place was a lady that had too many responsibilities to take care of.

Somewhere in the time, the teenage Aesha had transformed into a more mature woman.

No she didn't lose her identity nor her spirit nor her devotion towards her work and family.

There were physical, mental and emotional changes but her heart was the same. Her heart still beat for her only love, Arnav Roy.

True to their promise, after twelfth exam they both went on their own separate ways. They kept no contact with each other. They knew that their love was so strong to endure all these years of separation. It was difficult at first but the future of being together gave them strength.

After twelfth, Arnav being the genius he was, cracked the PMT in the first try but he opted abroad to study. But it wasn't so easy for him.

For all his life, he thought he was going to take over his father's businesses. But after meeting Aesha, he realised there was more to life and his dreams.

It was hard to convince his father. Their relationship already had cracks. It was just another blow to his father when Arnav declared that he wanted to pursue MBBS.

It was no less than a world war. Both stood their own sides and no one was ready to back off. Of course, Aesha supported Arnav . Aesha believed that you should pursue what you want to, not forced into.

It took a lot of time to convince his father to let Arnav follow his dreams. He finally agreed but with a condition that after completing MBBS, he has to pursue MBA also.

Being how stubborn Arnav is, he agreed but with his own condition. First, he would spend some years venturing into medical world.

For Aesha, it was not easy. She couldn't crack in the first trial but she took a year medical coaching and she did it. She finally had a chance to complete her dreams.

But amidst all this they made a promise to each other. They would meet at the same park seven years later at the same time.

So here she was waiting for him after completing four and half years of study and one year of internship.

Aesha sat in the same bench and smiled at the surrounding. The morning air was refreshing.

She was so happy that she was going to meet him again. The wait was finally over. Of course, she knew how his looks had changed over the years. He had changed from the boyish look to a man. His pictures surfaced most of the time on internet. He was the son of a businessman after all and he was trying to mend his relationship with his father.

"Seven years before you were the first one to arrive and now seven years later still the same." She smiled at the voice. The voice was still engraved in her heart. The voice that had made her heart beat faster than helicopter.

"Of course, I will always be the first one, Arnav." She whispered like louder voice will shatter the peace.

Arnav couldn't block the emotions that showed on his face. Pain, separation, proud, amusement and most of all Love were visible.

He raised his hand in front of her and she took it while smiling all the time. Arnav couldn't stop himself and pulled her in his arms and hugged her like it was his only chance.

"I missed you, Kitty" He murmured and kissed her long hairs.

She wrapped her arms around him and told him that she missed him too.

"Its been a long seven years without you." Those seven years being away from her was so painful for Arnav and same was the case with Aesha.

She didn't need words to confirm that he was correct.

She pulled back to look at him but he didn't let her go out of his arms. He promised himself that after this he wouldn't let her go anywhere. She will always be with him.

"How are you?" She asked. Her smile could brighten the world.

He brushed a small hair that had fallen on her face. The feel of his fingers on her face made her shiver. "How could I be fine without my Aesha?"

"I am here now." She answered. He just nodded and smiled.

"So what's the plan now Mr.Roy?" She asked the same question he had asked in the car seven years back.

He smirked "How about a new project for you?"

"Project?" She frowned.

He nodded "A new story to write on Wattpad. Now, that your story 'Destiny' is already over. Also, its going through editing process for publication."

She asked him with surprise written over her face "How did you know?"

"Sshh... That's not important. Important thing is do you want to know about your new project?" He smirked again. Something was definitely cooking up in his mind.

"What is my next project?" She raised her eyebrow. There was a mischievous glint in his eyes.

He kissed her cheek which made her blush.

"Your next project is A tale of an Indian marriage." he bent down near her ear, his warm breath making her shiver. "or maybe A tale of our kids"

If the kiss could make her blush, his words definitely made her look like tomato. Her eyes widened in embarrassment.

"Arnav!" She playfully slapped his hand.

His laughter boomed in the silent playground while she kept blushing.

He pulled her more closer again and put his chin on her head loving each moment.

She pulled back after a while and now she had a mischievous glint in her eyes. She tipped on her toes and whispered near his ear "For now, I am happy to work on A tale of an Indian marriage."

~The End~

Its finally over :'(

But as I said earlier, Don't delete this book! I am going to post some facts about the story related to my real life which might be interesting to you. Also maybe some bonus chapters.

And yes you can do MBA even after MBBS.

Thank you :)

You know what you have to do!

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Love you everyone!

[Completed]A Tale Of An Indian Wattpad WriterWhere stories live. Discover now