Chapter 14

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That day I completed my homeworks so I could have Sunday free. I liked to just be lazy on Sundays and spend some family time. But as it seems, this Sunday was going to be full of dramas, bye bye laziness.

At dinner also Sonal dee got a lecture from Mamma but she got less than me. I got double lecture in one day from my sweet mother. Papa was concerned with Nani ji's words but he found the moment funny when Mamma kept lecturing Sonal dee and me. He was enjoying my reaction more than anything.

After god knows how much time we were excused to our rooms.

I slept that night praying god to make everything good.

"Aesha, wake up!" I heard someone saying while shaking me.

"Go away" I said and buried my head more in pillow.

"Come on Aesha, I don't want you to die so young" The shaking was more now

"I just want to sleep, its Sunday!" I shouted

"Aesha, should I bring a bucket of water?"

I opened my eyes and glared at my lovely sister.

"Can't I get a day peace from you?" I asked angrily

"Oh you will! Once Naniji arrives she will be the one in spotlight" My dee said sarcastically

"What? Oh god! I forgot! I wish I could have got lost in the dreamland for some days" I sighed

"Oh if you go there then book a ticket for me also" My sister sighed too and sat down on the bed beside me.

I slide closer to my sister and wrapped her in my arms and she returned the same.

"If I die today then know that I love you dee so much and please take care of my chotu" I said sadly and dramatically.

"And If I die then you also know that I love you and do not ever think to steal my laptop" Dee said the last part sternly

"Why cant I have your laptop after you die?" I whinnied and looked at her. Dee's laptop was a latest gaming model which I was crazy about. I loved playing computer games and that laptop made the effect paradise in game world.

"Because that laptop will go with me to my death bed"

"So you love your laptop more than your one and only little cute sister?" I asked and showed my puppy dog face.

"Ah that I do" She said and grinned.

And then we both burst out laughing. We really enjoyed these moments fighting, teasing, joking and lots more.

"Sonal, did you wake up Aesha?" Mamma asked loudly from below.

"Mamma, my eyes are open now" I replied loudly.

"Good, now go get ready. You both can have your sister bonding later on."

"Okay" Sonal and dee we both said together.

"Go" Sonal dee said and patted my back. She then left the room to let me get ready.

I quickly brushed my teeth properly then washed my face with my favorite strawberry face wash. I took a shower then dried my hair. I chose a black legging and a little long sky coloured top which had a logo of peace and the word peace written on it.

I had wore it on purpose. I knew Nani didn't like dresses like this. She says its boys clothes. Its not like we don't love her. We do love her a lot and miss her hugs but we don't like her old mentality. She was living in 21st century but still some of her thoughts were backward.

I went downstairs and went to kitchen. Sonal dee was eating dosa and Mamma was making another. She turned to look at me and stared at my clothings. She had the look which said you are going to be scolded by Nani.

[Completed]A Tale Of An Indian Wattpad WriterWhere stories live. Discover now