Chapter 7

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Hi everyone, I tried to add more descriptions to this chapter compared to my other stories. I am trying to improve and if you have any suggestions then it would be great and thank you for that. That's all :) Good day :)

school was over, and I was walking back to my home. My school was fifteen minutes away from home, and I liked walking the distance.

The day had exhausted me. I wanted to just relax.

Due to Arnav's arrival in my life, I could no more say how this school year would be.

I didn't know why he was acting like that.

I realized that I had reached home, and I knocked at the door.

The door opened, and my mother greeted me with a smile.

She stepped aside and let me enter. I went inside and discarded my shoes at shoe stand.

I belonged to a middle class family, but I had everything I needed. My parents were caring and loving. They did everything in their part to give us a good life.

I made myself comfortable on the sofa in the living room and placed the backpack in a nearby chair.

The living room consisted of two big sofas and fours chairs, a coffee table, a TV. There was a shelf decorated with toys, decorative things, photos, etc by my mother. Two couple dolls were placed beside the TV. I loved this place.

"Aesha please don't throw the backpack on chair." Mom didn't ask she ordered. My mother had followed me into the living room. She loves to keep the house clean whereas I keep things a little messy.

"Maa, I will take it to my room later on. I am so tired" I sighed.

"You are tired on the first day?" Mom raised an eyebrow at me. I had inherited those black eyes from her. Papa had  dark brown eyes which my sister had inherited.

"Maa, first day is always exhausting and add Mr. Arrogant on top of it" Before I could realize what I was saying, it was already out and there was no going back.

"Mr. Arrogant huh? Who is this? I never heard you calling someone like that" Maa asked curiously. Maa was like a best friend to me.

Well I was comfortable with my papa too, and he was also a best friend to me but there are some things which you can only share with your mother.

My parents believed that they should be a friend to their children so that we can share everything with them.

I knew there was no going out of this, and I had to explain it to Maa.

"Maa, there is a new boy in our school. He thinks he is a freaking genius, and I am garbage." I was frustrated and thinking about him was exhausting me more.

"Aesha Dixit, mind you language!" Maa scolded me in her motherly tone "We did not raise you to be like this, this is not our culture." Maa said the famous dialogue that is repeated in most of the Indian families.

No offense, I am proud to be Indian.

And I know talking in this manner is bad but I am not an ideal human being. I am not perfect.

"Sorry Maa" I apologized.

"It's okay young lady but keep in mind that there will be no next time. I will not tolerate this type of language in my home" Maa warned me.

"Yes Maa" I obeyed

"Go to your room and freshen up. I will serve your food." Maa instructed me

I nodded my head and picked up by backpack. I headed towards my room which was upstairs. I had reached nearby the stairs when Maa said something.

"Beta, tum chinta mat karo sab thik hoga" Maa said sweetly.

(Don't worry sweety, everything will be fine)

"Maa he is my seat mate in English and partner in biology. Tell me how would I work with him if his mouth spits anger every time he says something to me?" I asked worried not only about him but about my study career. It is essential to pass in practical classes or else I have to give the theory and practical both again. So fair, isn't it? (Sarcasm!)

"Have faith in Lord Shiva Ji. You know that what he does is for good." Maa comforted me.

There are millions of gods in Hindu religion, and everybody worships them. My mother worships all gods and goddesses, but she has more faith on Lord Shiva.

No my parents are not superstitious or narrow minded. They are very nice and broad minded. They believe in science, but they also believe in god. Well I do too.

I mean there are some unknown forces in the world which couldn't be explained by science.  And everybody has a right to have their own beliefs and customs.

What am I doing here? Why am I explaining all these things? Come back to present Aesha.

I noticed that Maa had already gone to the kitchen while I was in my thoughts.

I turned towards the stairs and walked ahead.  I went to my room. My room was a standard one. I had a bed which could fit one person and  still have some space. It was covered with a white bed sheet which had different cartoons printed on it. What? I love cartoons. Just because I am sixteen doesn't mean I should stop doing what I love.

Near the bed was a window from which you could see the road and people passing by. Also, there was a Mango tree near it. In the summer season when the tree was full of Mangos, my cousins and I would climb up the tree and pick out the juicy mangoes. Maa also used to scold us. She would say "Utro jaldi sab, haat pair todne ka irada hai kya?"

(Climb down quickly! Do you all plan on breaking your hands and legs?)


But we would never listen to her. I know she cares about usand it is natural for parents to be worried but sometime we need fun. And having fun in a natural way is awesome.

I placed my backpack beside my study table. The table had my laptop on one side, a table lamp, a tiny little teddy which I had bought when I was  six years  old. I had a hobby of collecting teddies and key rings. But I never used the key  rings for keys. I used them to hang them around my house.

Next to the table was my bookshelf which contained my study  books, novels, short story books, Poetry books, etc.

On the left side of the room was the door to the bathroom, and beside the door was my small closet.

I  opened my closet and chose a black legging with a white T shirt which had a saying " I rule my world"written on it. 

I went to my bathroom and washed my face. After  I was done changing clothes, I went downstairs to the kitchen and saw Maa was just putting the plate on the table. I ate the rice,dal and Paneer Curry that Maa had made and went to my room.

I took my laptop and sat down on my bed. I switched on the laptop and waited for it to start.

After the laptop was fully loaded and ready to operate on, I opened my Wattpad account.

I checked my profile and saw that I had one more follower. I opened the account and  saw that the username was "Ninarocks". I was so happy to find Nina on Wattpad. I had told her about my account which was known by the username "Ashuthewriter" and she did a good job finding it.

I wrote on her message board "Hey bestie! I see you opened a Wattpad account :). Thanks for the follow dear."

I also followed her account. I edited my profile and added her name in it indicating about her.

I searched for some stories and added it to my reading list.  But one discussion caught my eye, and I wasted no  time to open it.

And I think that's how I got a new adventure  on Wattpad.

[Completed]A Tale Of An Indian Wattpad WriterWhere stories live. Discover now