Chapter 3 - Santana Lopez

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At the glee club


When I sat down, the girl who winked at me asked me what was my name and I told her my name, then I asked her. 

"What is your name?"

"Santana Lopez, nice to meet you" She said smiling

"Nice to meet you Santana."

"You sing?"


Then Mr. Shue told us that the next class we were all going to sing a duet. Everyone turned to choose who to do it with but Mr. Shue was ahead of them.

"Not so fast. I am going to choose the partners." He said and everyone complained "AGHHHH" 

"Let's see, I'm going to start with Rachel. Rachel is going to sing with Finn." 

They all started laughing at them. Apparently they like each other or something because they both had their cheeks all red.

"Next couple is going to be Santana with......... Mercedes. The third couple is going to be Y/N and Quinn."

I didn't know who the hell Quinn was but when I turned around I saw a girl with short blonde hair, also in a cheerleading uniform and I smiled at her, but when she saw me she had this scary face. I felt my life go by with the face that she put on me.


After Mr Shue told us who we were going to work with i turned to see the new girl, yes, she was hot and i was feeling attracted to her.... But what am i saying, im the captain of the cheerios and my boyfriend is Sam, who may not be the most popular guy but he is on the football team, I have the perfect life.

Yes. I thought all that while looking at Y/N, I hope she didn't noticed it.


When Mr. Shue finished giving the pairs he told us that we could go and that the next class he  wanted to listen to our duets. I was super nervous because with the face that Quinn put on me me I knew this was not going to be fun.

I got up and grabbed my backpack and suddenly I felt a hand grabbing my shoulder making me turned around.

"Hey, are you going to do something this afternoon? I know a place where they make the best breadsticks you've ever had." Santana told me

"Actually ..." I was answering her but then suddenly Quinn came in and cut me off as she answers Santana.

"Santana stop bothering the new one, can't you see that we have to work on our duet?" Quinn told her

"When did you really start to get interested in doing Mr. Shue's homeworks?" Santana replied

"Since forever so please go away I need to talk to Y/N"

"Okay ... But this date still stands" Santana said looking at me

Santana left and it was only Quinn and I

"So where do we meet to do the duet? My house is available" Quinn asked me

"Yes, it's okay. See you at your home"

"Don't be late. Here's my address" Quinn handed me a piece of paper with her address and she left

 Here's my address" Quinn handed me a piece of paper with her address and she left

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I went to my locker to drop all my books. After dropping my books i was walking towards the exit when I saw Rachel and Finn and i went over to say goodbye.

When Rachel saw me she turned to Finn and she said "Look Finn, she's Y/N. She's the one who helped me clean up after the slushy was thrown at me."

Finn replied "Nice to meet you, thanks for helping my girlfriend." He gave Rachel a little peck on her head.

When i heard Finn saying that Rachel was his girlfriend i think my heart broke. I didn't knew Rachel but when i met her i felt something very special but now that i know that she has a boyfriend my hopes were dead.

"No worries, if she had been in my shoes she would have done the same thing " I smiled to Rachel

"No worries, if she had been in my shoes she would have done the same thing " I smiled to Rachel

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"Well babe, lets go." Finn said 

"Yes. Goodbye" She said to me with a sweet voice

They left and i went straight to my motorcycle because i was already late to Quinn's house. 

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