Chapter 20 - He kissed me

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When I arrived to school the first thing I wanted to do was to find Y/N, It was the only thing in my mind, i think i'm falling in love with her. 

I was taking the books out of my locker and then I saw Finn

"Hi" He said approaching

"Hi Finn" I said without looking at him

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"Hi Finn" I said without looking at him

"Hey, I wanted to apologize for how I reacted on Saturday" He said looking into my eyes.

"Its okay" The truth is that i didn't want to talk about that anymore.

"Actually i wanted to talk to you about something else, can we go to the choir room?" He asked me

"Finn, there's nothing to talk about, and why don't you tell me here?" I replied

"Please Rachel is all i ask of you, i swear i will not bother you again, i don't want to lose your friendship" 

I thought Finn was being honest and i agreed to go talk to him.

We got to the choir room and i put my books on the desk.


I got off my bike and while i was getting into the school i met Santana.

"Hey Santana" I said

"Hi, i was actually looking for you, i wanted to ask you if you can hep me rehearse a song for glee, can you come with me to the choir room?" She asked me with pleading face.

"Yeah sure, hey, have you seen Rachel by any chance?" I asked her

"No i haven't see her, she probably come around" she pulled me by the arm and led me to the choir room.


"Finn we already talked about this before, i don't want to hurt you but i don't feel the same way about you anymore" I told him

Finn grabbed my face and kissed me

Finn grabbed my face and kissed me

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Santana and I arrived to the choir room and we found Rachel and Finn kissing. I started to feel my face boiling with anger. I slammed the door and entered the room, they both jump and turned to see me.

"Guess i'm interrupting something" I said furious and left the room

"*your name* wait!" Rachel screamed

As i was walking to the exit i heard Rachel screaming my name.

Tears fell from my eyes and crying i ran to my bike.

Rachel caught up with me and she pulled my arm to face her.

"Rachel i don't want to hear anything you have to say" I yelled at her

"Let me explain, please!" She told me grabbing my face

"What are you going to explain to me? How you were kissing Finn?" I told her taking her hands off my face

"He kissed me! Please dont go" She begged me with tears falling down her face

I put on my helmet and i left

I put on my helmet and i left

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Rachel went after *your name* and i stayed with Finn

"Wow frankenteen, you really kissed her" I said proudly

"This was your plan right?" He asked me realizing everything

"You're not as stupid as you seem" I replied laughing

"I'm impressed santana, maybe it would have been better if you had told me" He said

"I'm impressed santana, maybe it would have been better if you had told me" He said

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"What was the point in that? You have to admit that my plan was brilliant. Now you have to comfort Berry and il do the rest. And..... you're welcome" I left happy

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