Chapter 10 - Stay out of this

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It was time for Glee and last class Mr. Shue told us that we had to choose a song that represents our feelings so i offered to go first.

I chose 1950 by King Princess, it describes perfectly what i was feeling for Rachel and i wanted for her to realize that.

When i finished singing i received a message on my phone.

Rachel B

 I loved the song, it was for me right? 🥰

Me: Yes, it was for you.



At the end of the class we went to the airport to say goodbye to Quinn, we were all very sad.

While we were at the airport i saw Rachel talking to Finn and i thought.... "Is Rachel breaking up with him?"

I wait for them to finish talking so i could ask Rachel if she already told him.

They stopped talking and Finn left so i went with Rachel and i asked her "Did you tell him?"

"Y/N look this is difficult and i don't want you to pressure me, please stay out of this. Besides Finn is a very good guy and i don't want to hurt him" She left

Rachel's behaviour surprised me, she has never talked to me like that before. But i did understand her. 

When Quinn left we all went back to our houses but Santana was waiting for me next to my bike and i already knew where this was going.

"Hey, let's go eat something,it's on me" She winked.

I was actually a little mad with Rachel for how she talked to me and i needed a distraction so i agreed to go and eat with Santana. 

"Okay sure let's go!"

Santana hugged me and I saw Rachel seeing us out of the corner of my eye. Her face was of jealousy and she looked pretty angry. Then i realized that if i hugged someone especially girls Rachel would get jealous and she would stop talking to me. 

I was still pretty angry with her so I hugged even tighter Santana just to see Rachel angrier.

I was still pretty angry with her so I hugged even tighter Santana just to see Rachel angrier

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I asked Santana if she wanted to go and eat at my house with my mom and she accepted.

We arrived at my house and my mom met us at the door.

"Hi! You must be Santana." My mom said

"Nice to meet you." Santana replied

"Come in, the food is ready." 


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If you were on Glee - Rachel B/ Quinn F/ Santana L X YOUWhere stories live. Discover now