Chapter 25

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I know, I'm sorry. I haven't been doing very well lately and I'm sorry that it's affecting you guys. I'm trying to stay strong for you guys and thank you so much for the support. Hopfully I'll be around more.

~Not entirely edited~

Chapter 25

                The next couple of days we spent laying around the house and watching movies, but on Thursday Alex went back to school and everybody else went back to work. Zach refused to go back to school without me and helped me catch up on my work. I’m planning to go back to school on Monday now that I’m getting used to being back home and I feel safer with my family and Zach around.

                It’s Friday afternoon and everybody got out early because they have plans while I’m to sit around the house and try not to drown in my negative thoughts. Apparently our parents got home early from their trip, so James and Drake are meeting them for dinner. I don’t think Drake, or any of my brothers for that matter, will forgive our parents completely, but they should at least stay in touch now that they’ve met.

                Drake and James are upstairs getting ready and Nick and Alex are sitting on the couch next to me, pouting like usual. Zach is forcing them to go out and hook up with girls –which I think is going to be a disaster because my brothers are only concerned about work and school- although my brothers are entirely against it. I think they should go out and have fun, but they’re only going because Zach is not going to drop the subject until they do it. I’m glad Zach is such good friends with my brothers and cares about them so much, but I’m kind of worried about Zach being their ‘wingman’ –whatever that is.

                James and Drake appear in the doorway, dressed up in a tux with ties hanging around their necks. I grin and stand up, walking up to James first and fixing his tie like Nick had taught me a few years ago.

                “You guys look so handsome,” I coo, looking up at James as he rolls his eyes.

                “Stop it. We’re just going to meet your parents,” James sighs, shaking his head. I can tell he’s nervous, really nervous, since he’s meeting our parents. It probably won’t be so bad, but our parents are extremely powerful and dangerous and James is worried that they’ll disapprove of their relationship because they’re gay.

                “I know. Don’t worry, James, they’ll love you.” I promise, adjusting his collar and making sure his tie is straight. I move over to Drake. “Our parents aren’t as bad as you think. Mom was really excited to hear about you.”

                “Yeah, well,” James sighs, fixing his sleeves. “Girls love gay guys.”

                I roll my eyes and start over on Drake’s tie because James distracted me, smiling up at my older brother since he had clearly just shaved. “Are you nervous, too?”

                “A little,” Drake admits, sticking his chin up so I can fix his collar as well. “I’ll be fine once I get a few drinks in me.”

                “Please, don’t drink and drive.” I beg. I know my brothers don’t drink, like ever, but I’ll still always worry about them.

                “We won’t,” he grumbles, probably annoyed I would have to even say that.

                I button his suit and step back, admiring my older brother and my one-day brother-in-law. “Seriously, you guys look like a million bucks.”

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