Chapter 14

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Zach holds my hand as we enter the school and leads me towards the front office, ignoring some of the confused stares we’re getting. They definitely don’t care about who I’m with, but since it’s the hot, badass new guy, people have their opinions.

                Zach showed up at my house this morning and refused to let me walk, saying he’s giving me a ride to and from school for now on. I didn’t argue, even though part of me wanted to since walking is my only source of exercise now, but I love spending more time with Zach.

                He opens the office door and nods for me to go first. I smile widely and walk in, not sure why we’re here, so I wait for him to approach the counter first. He smiles at the lady behind the desk with way too much make-up and I glance around the room as they begin talking. I hear something about his schedule, but I’m not sure why since he’s been here for about two weeks already and his classes should be fine.

                He winks at the lady and picks up a piece of paper off the counter, leading me back out of the office. He pulls me to the side and looks over the schedule, “What class do we have first, Princess?”

                I peek over his arm at the paper and abruptly look up at him in confusion. “That’s my schedule.”

                “Well, now it’s our schedule.”

                I glance back down at the paper and then up at him again. “How’d you get the same schedule as me?”

                He shrugs his shoulders and turns towards our first class, still not letting go of my hand. “I don’t know. They just gave me the paper and said get lost.”

                I give him an ‘I’m not buying it’ look, but he’s too busy looking for the classroom. “Seriously, Zach, how’d you get my schedule?”

                He glances at me and grins mysteriously, not saying anything about the sudden schedule change. He leans down quickly and kisses my forehead, facing forward again like that didn’t just happen. Eventually he finds our class, which I probably could have showed him since I go there every day, but I was too distracted with how he managed to get us in the same classes. I’m not complaining, not at all, but it’s pretty damn close to impossible.

                Zach sits in the last seat in the last row and pulls me down on his lap since the class is still empty. We haven’t kissed yet, which I don’t understand since we’re always touching, holding hands and he lets me sit on his lap, but I’m still not ready to bring it up in case I’m somehow reading the signs wrong. I’ve never had a boyfriend before or even a friend that’s male so this is all so new to me. Maybe I’ll talk to one of my brothers later and see what they have to say.

                “How are you feeling?” Zach asks, running his fingers through my hair and making me shiver. I love when he plays with my hair.

                “Okay. My side kind of hurts when I move a certain way, but the pain killers are helping.” I pull my sleeves over my hands to warm them up and stare down at my lap, not wanting to give away that I’m lying about the painkillers. Zach gave me painkillers, but I didn’t take them. It’s not like I’m missing out, though, because medicine never helps me anyways.

                “Not just physically,” He whispers, dropping his hand to my lower back and rubbing small circles.

                I sigh and adjust my hair, looking up at the clock over the classroom door. “I’m just trying not to think about it or I’ll start crying again.”

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