Chapter 27

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Hi! I'm back. I know it's been forever, I'm sorry. This book has maybe two more chapters left and then it's done. I'm really going to miss writing this, Abigail is my baby:(. Anyways, I responded to all my messages, if I missed one, send it again. I have a hard time keeping up with these updates since I usually use the app. I think that's it. I'll send a message out to everyone.

P.S. very shocking chapter. Be warned.


Chapter 27

I've had the same anxious feeling in my stomach all day and no matter how many times Zach says everything's going to be alright, I know it won't. He's been tense ever since I told him about Nick and I feel so guilty for bringing him into this. I just want everything to be simple and stop bringing everyone into my problems.

I don't know if Nick's still home, I'm still surprised I left the house before him, but I know I can't avoid it forever. Zach took me to the store to get some stuff for my throat, but no matter how many times I tried to stall, we had to leave eventually.

It would be easier if Zach just dropped me off at home, but I know he's doesn't like leaving me alone as it is, now he'll never let me be around anyone without him. The attention is nice and it feels good that he cares so much, but I can't help feeling guilty for putting him through so much. I'm supposed to be his girlfriend, not someone he has to babysit.

"Have you heard from any of your friends?" I ask when we stop at a red light. Why is it that silence is always louder than if we were talking?

He turns his head slowly, as if he can't believe I'm really asking something like that right now. I can tell he's been really lost in his thoughts, maybe he didn't even hear what I said. "No."

"Don't you normally see them once a week?"

"I've been busy."

I know I shouldn't take such a casual comment so personally, but I know he's been busy because of me. And when someone's busy, stress and other negatives like to tag along. I can tell just by his eyes that I'm draining the life out of him.

My attempt at making the silence more bearable clearly isn't working so I look out my window and let Zach focus on driving. I try to tell myself that he isn't upset with me, but it's hard when every reason he's frustrated is because of me.

The driveway's empty and I feel the pressure lift off my chest so I can breathe for the first time today. I know it's temporary and I'll just have to deal with it later, but maybe I can fall asleep before I have to.

Zach gets all the bags and I'm amazed he can carry them with one hand. I feel like I'm going to faint just by closing the car door and he can carry everything with one finger if he wanted to. It's times like this that I realize how screwed up I am.

I unlock the front door and hold open the door for Zach, watching him kick the snow off his boots on the mat. He doesn't say anything or even glance at me and I think about running away as I close the door to freedom.

The house is eerily quiet and I know that even if I didn't tell Zach anything, the atmosphere in here would give everything away.

I take off my shoes slowly, trying to stall as I consider my options. I can ignore Zach and watch TV or go upstairs and sleep away my problems. I keep trying to tell myself that Zach's not mad at me, but it's so hard when all the odds are against me. He hasn't said one word to me since this morning unless I started the conversation and we both know how hard that is for me. And he says I have communication problems.

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