Chapter 15

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Sorry guys, I've been super busy. No excuse, but I'm trying. And FYI, if you ask me to update, it'll probably work because I absolutely love my fans and I love that you guys look foward to my updates.  Love you guys!!!

Chapter 15

The rest of the week was uneventful and Zach drove me home and stayed until my brothers got home. He tutored me a little bit here and there and we continued holding hands. We still haven’t kissed, but I really don’t want to make the first move in case he doesn’t want to. I don’t know how he can kiss my cheeks and my neck, but not my lips, however, I’m not going to say anything.

                I tighten my grip a little bit on Zach’s hand and watch the snow covered scenery outside as we drive past. We’re on our way to my house inside Zach’s warm car with no Friday night plans and a few movies in his back seat. He’s been trying to get me to see all his favorite movies, but we usually end up talking or I fall asleep.

                My eye has gone done quite a lot, but it’s still noticeable and my hickey’s are still very obvious. Zach’s still proud of them, but I feel like everyone sees them and judges me in their head. I guess it doesn’t matter since I can’t hear it, but I can’t help over thinking.

                Zach lets go of my hand to change the station and then returns his hand in mine, glancing at me out of the corner of his eye. “What’s wrong?”

                “Nothing.” I shrug. “Just thinking.”

                “Good thinking or bad thinking?”

                I smile softly, “Both. But mostly good.”

                “So you’re thinking about me?”

                I laugh into my hand and shake my head, looking back out the window as we pull into my driveway. He lets go of my hand again and pulls the keys out, unbuckling to fight the cold. I unbuckle, too and grab my bag, hurrying to the door so I can unlock it by the time Zach gets here. Zach jogs up behind me and wraps an arm around my waist, just as I unlock the door.

                We shuffle inside and kick off some of the slosh on our shoes before shoving them to the side. I go directly to the fridge and snag a bottle of diet soda, grabbing an ice tea for Zach. He lay on the couch with his feet on the arm rest and his arm over his eyes. I silently place the drinks on the coffee table and sit down on the edge of the couch, resting my head on his chest.

                “What’s wrong, Zach?”

                “Just really freakin’ exhausted.”

                I frown and quickly peck his chest, rubbing the side of his torso gently. I want to bring up our status and see where he thinks we’re at, but I don’t want to risk it in case he says he’s not interested. “Do you want to sleep or put in one of your movies?”

                He sucks in a big breath and sighs, running his fingers through my hair. “Let’s take a nap, I’m shot.”

                I sit up and so does Zach, chugging his drink in seconds. He grabs my hand and leads me upstairs, rubbing his tired eyes with his other hand. As soon as we reach my room, he climbs into my bed and collapses, falling asleep in minutes. I smile sadly, hoping he’ll feel better when he wakes up and place my soda on my dresser. Since there’s nothing to do because I’m so used to having Zach keeping me company, I decide to keep my mind off things with some cleaning.

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