Chapter 16

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Zach pulls up to Burger King and orders something for himself and a diet soda for me. I try to focus on the music and not the smell of fast food in the air, but it’s hard since I haven’t eaten this junk in years. What am I doing to myself?

                He parks the car after we get our order and he hands me a large diet soda and then pulls out some apple slices. “Just in case.” He answers my unspoken question and starts eating his meal. I look out the window at the trees covered in snow in front of us. It really is beautiful and I wish I had a camera so I can take up photography. I would probably suck, but it’d give me something to do and something to look at when I’m sad.

                I slowly rip open the packet of apple slices and eat one at a time, refusing to look at the calories on the back in front of Zach. I know it’s thirty calories, but I need to see it. I flip over the wrapper casually and glance down, confirming that it is thirty calories.

                I sigh and shove the wrapper in my bag and sip on my diet soda, wishing Zach didn’t have to put up with a girl like me. I’m so tired of this sick, twisted game I play with myself. It only hurts me and everyone else when it’s supposed to do the opposite.

                “Are you staying over?” I ask as Zach finishes his food and takes a long sip of his drink. Of course he can eat and drink whatever he wants and still look like a million bucks, but I eat a cracker and I gain five pounds. How does that make sense?

                “If you want me to. I have to make a delivery in the afternoon, though.”

                “Okay. I don’t think my brothers will care. They like you.”

                Zach grins and pulls out of the parking lot, grabbing my hand when we’re back on the road. My stomach hurts, even from that small amount of food, and I feel like I need to lie down. “I doubt they’ll let me in your bed though.”

                I frown and sip my soda, dropping it in the cup holder between us. “We’ve slept in bed together before.”

                He laughs. “Yeah, once and we were already sleeping when they got home so there wasn’t shit they could do about it.”

                I shrug my shoulders and watch my house come in to view, only the light outside still on. I wait until Zach parks the car and unbuckle my seat belt, turning to face him. Please, please, don’t have an anxiety attack right now. Try to stay strong, Abby.

                “Um, Zach.” I clear my throat as he turns his head to look at me. “Does this mean we’re together? Like boyfriend and girlfriend?”

                He raises his eyebrows and smiles amusedly, “If that’s what you want to be.”

                I smile and nod my head, blurting out quickly, “I don’t want to force you to be my boyfriend though. If you don’t want this-”

                He cuts me off with his perfect lips and holds my face in place with his hands, kissing me deeply. I grin when he pulls away and kisses my cheek, opening the car door and getting out.

                I grab my bag and follow him up the driveway, wrapping my arms around his as we cross the icy path to the front door. Zach opens the door and I walk in, kicking the snow off my shoes even though there isn’t much. After sliding them off, I find everyone in the living room, watching one of Zach’s movies that we’ve already seen while everyone was at work.

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