Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

                Faintly I can hear my phone ringing and I open my eyes, seeing the back of my couch that I must have fallen asleep on. I reach into my pocket and pull out my phone, pressing it to my ear.

                “Hello?” I mumble groggily, sitting up and wiping my face.

                “Hey, Princess. Did I wake you up?”

                “Yeah, but it’s fine.” I yawn. “You’re worth it.”

                He chuckles and I stand up, looking around and realizing it’s almost completely dark outside. Where are my brothers? “Are you home alone?”

                I climb the stairs and close my bedroom door behind me, turning on the light so I can see where I’m going. “Yeah. I guess Nick and Alex are still at work and the other two are on a date. What time is it?”

                “It’s almost seven.”

                I sigh and collapse on my bed, wondering what I should do to distract myself from negative thoughts. “It’s so boring without you.”

                I close my eyes and imagine Zach smiling, the thought of a guy like him being with me completely mind-boggling. “You were sleeping, how would you know?”

                I giggle softly, hoping I don’t sound like I’m trying too hard and move my hair out of my face. “I’d choose you over sleep any day.”

                “Cute,” Zach laughs.

                My phone beeps and I pull it away from my ear to see I have another message. I should really tell Zach about these, but for all I know, it’s all in my head like usual. “I have a text. I don’t want to accidentally hang up on you.”


                I press a few buttons and a picture of me sitting on my bed pops up. I gape at it, glancing over at my window where the curtain’s slightly pushed to the side. Are they really outside? Oh God, did I lock the front door?

                I hesitantly place my phone back against my ear and listen to Zach talk to someone in the background, quickly moving to the corner of my bed furthest from the wall. This is unreal. I have to be dreaming.

                “Zach.” I whisper, trying not to let my voice crack. “Please, please don’t be mad at me.”

                He stays quiet for a moment and I have a bad feeling that everybody else in the car can hear our conversation. “Why? What happened?”

                “Please, don’t be mad. I wanted to tell you, but I didn’t think it was a big deal.”

                “What’s going on, Abby?”

                I close my eyes, but quickly open them incase my stalker is inside the house already. Oh God, what if they watched me sleep? “Remember during class I kept getting those texts and you asked me what was wrong?”

                “Yeah,” he practically growls and I hope it’s not me he’s mad at.

                “Well, someone’s sending me pictures and texts telling me to watch my back and I just got a picture and-” I pause, wondering if this is really happening or I somehow developed another mental illness where I imagine things that aren’t real. “I think they’re outside.”

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