Chapter 4

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When my brother barged through the door, James following behind closely, I was still staring at the burger that No Name left on the counter. I still hadn’t learned the guy’s name, not that I really wanted to because I wouldn’t have to speak to him after this, but I guess I should at least thank him.

                The guy didn’t show up when Nick came in and James picked me up, kissing my cheek and carrying me out to the car. I’m not sure what Nick did, but I knew it wasn’t good.

                “I love you, James,” I mumbled into his shirt as I was pulled closer to him. My brothers aren’t as protective as they seem. In fact, they may be the exact opposite. I remember when I was little and Nick slapped me for taking some money out of his wallet to buy lunch at school because I thought it would be so cool. He ended up apologizing, but I didn’t talk to him for almost a week because I was so scared of him.

                James is probably the only one that is accepting of the way I am. Maybe that’s not the right word, but he understands more than my brother’s do and is more forgiving than they are.

                “I love you, too, Abby. Don’t scare us like that again.”

                I frowned, but didn’t respond and cringed when the car door slammed. “What the hell was that?”

                “I don’t know.” I stuttered. “I don’t remember passing out.”

                “Well if you f*cking ate like normal people, you wouldn’t be passing out and random guys wouldn’t be taking you home.”

                “Nick, knock it the f*ck off.” Jamie growled, wrapping me in his arms tighter. I snuggled closer, hoping he couldn’t feel my tears through his shirt. Nick is always the hardest on me, even if he only did it out of love. I can’t help but feel like I’m nothing but worthless in his eyes.

                “No, I’m sick of this. What’s the point, Abby? To give us a f*cking stroke?”

                “No!” I cried, curling up in a ball. “You don’t get it!”

                “Yeah, whatever.” He mumbled, pressing harder on the gas and cursing at a car that was going too slow according to him. Eventually we made it to our shabby home, Nick getting out and slamming the door. I know he’s tired from a long day at work and he has to come home and worry whether or not his sister will be alive.

                I cried into James’ shirt for a few minutes before getting out and running into the house. I passed the yelling in the living room and locked myself in my room, hoping Nick and Alex didn’t want to go to bed early. We all share a room and James and Drake share a room, since they’re together. And no one wants to hear them when they are together.

                I covered my head with the blanket and cried until I couldn’t see, soaking my pillow. It’s not the first and surely not the last time I’ll cry myself to sleep. It’s tragic, really, how many tears I’ve shed on this pillow. More than my brothers have seen or heard.


                I sat in class staring at my desk, thinking over what happened yesterday. I ended up falling asleep and my brothers slept on the couch since I locked the door, but not without giving me a nice long lecture this morning about what I could be doing behind a closed door.

                The guy sat behind me, tapping his pen to a song I’m sure I’ve heard. I haven’t talked to him since yesterday and I really don’t want to consider what might have happened between him and my brother when I was in the car. He didn’t have any bruises from what I could see, meaning they didn’t get in a fight, but I could be wrong.

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