Chapter 26

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Yes, I know, I'm awful. This story should be ending soon though. The next chapter is very surprising, I was even shocked. I love you all for sticking with me and I promise to update soon. Enjoy!

Chapter 26

I crack open my eyes and am greeted by a wall, the blanket tucked around me looking unfamiliar. I look around in confusion and realize I'm in Drake's bed, but neither Drake nor James are in here. I don't remember how I got in here, but the first thing I recognize is my sore throat.

I rub it gently, swallowing painfully because it feels so scratchy for some reason. I sit up and rub my face, aware that I have to get ready for school soon, although I don't know the time. Why would I be in Drake's bed? Is everybody gone already?

I move my hair out of my face, trying to comprehend everything that happened. Nick's hit me plenty of times before, but he would never try to kill me. He wouldn't take it that far. Would he?

Last night, when I was trying to get him to let go, I remember looking up at his face and not recognizing him. He was so angry and his eyes looked empty, like he had blacked out and lost control or something. Does he remember doing that to me?

I crawl out of bed, cautiously stepping out of the hall even though the house is empty. I duck into my room, thankful that no one's inside, especially Nick, and go right to the bathroom to shower. It must still be early because Zach would be here by now and he definitely would have woken me up.

I get ready in a daze, still thinking about Nick attacking me last night. I'm not really surprised, he's hit me plenty of times before, but I was seconds away from dying with his hands around my neck. What made him stop? We were home alone so no could have stopped him. Maybe he didn't realize what he was doing.

Thinking about it will only make me upset so I try to turn my thoughts towards going back to school today. I haven't been to school in about four weeks, but no one will question me because first, I don't have friends and no one cares about me, and second, everyone's used to me disappearing for weeks at a time from all my hospital stays. Of course, they don't know and don't care, but this isn't much of a surprise.

Zach should be here in a few minutes, so I gather everything I need and head downstairs, wondering to myself why Alex left so early. Usually we leave at the same time, but I didn't even see him when I was getting ready. Maybe he had an essay to type in the library or something. We don't have a computer so he sometimes leaves early to get his work done.

I stop at the entrance of the kitchen, glaring at the back of the male figure sitting at the end of the table with his back to me. He's sipping coffee and reading the newspaper, looking like he hasn't showered or changed from last night. Why is he home? Doesn't he have work?

I stare determinedly at the fridge as I approach it, refusing to talk to Nick after what he did to me last night. I know I should be upset and scared of him, but I'm used to him losing his temper. Of course, he's never tried to kill me, but I think I'm still in shock because I can only feel anger towards him right now.

I shove four water bottles in my bag and two diet sodas, going over to the sink and filling up a glass with water. I chug three glasses before setting it in the sink and turning on my feet to leave.

"Abby, can we talk?" Nick asks softly, sounding extremely sad for some reason. I continue ignoring him, shoving my feet into my boots and grabbing my coat. "I'm really-"

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