Chapter 5

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I took a deep breath and entered the cafeteria, ignoring everybody that I passed until I got close enough to my usual seat. I stopped suddenly when I saw an unfamiliar blonde sitting at my table, talking to Zach and using lots of hand motions. I immediately turned and headed towards my brother’s table, sitting beside him.

                “What’s wrong, Abigail?”

                “Everything. Like usual.” I crossed my arms on the table and slammed my head down on them, refusing to look at any of Alex’s friends.

                “Why are you sitting here? Where’s your friend?”

                I sat up and sighed, fixing my messy hair, “Probably still talking to Barbie.”

                Alex smirked, one that I’ve never seen before and looked over at my table. “Well she’s gone.”

                I turned around and peeked over at Zach, only to find him smirking and looking at me directly in the eyes. I whirled back around and narrowed my eyes at Alex. “Why didn’t you tell me he was looking?”

                Alex and his friends started laughing so I gave up on asking my brother for help and stood up, deciding I’ve already been caught. I sat in my usual seat and took out my water bottle, refusing to look at Zach or acknowledge him at all.


                I took a long, deep breath. “No.”

                “Then why’d you go crying to your brother about me?”

                “I didn’t.”

                “Please.” He scoffed. “I saw you look at her and then turn the other way, right to your brother. Just own up to it.”

                I stood up and squeezed my bag as hard as I could, trying not to cry in front of him. I didn’t want him to see that side of me and I definitely didn’t want him to know it exists. I turned around and walked straight out of the cafeteria, tired of Alex and Zach making fun of me. I get enough of that inside my head.

                I ran to the nearest classroom with the lights off and opened the door, slamming it shut once I was inside and sliding down against it. Their laughter and taunting words were playing on repeat inside my head and I was going insane. The last time someone said something barely insulting I threatened to jump of the bridge.

                I stood up and moved towards the window, opening it and slowly sliding out. I didn’t want to be here, not when I was going to have to see Zach next block and be forced to listen to him make fun of me for liking him. I’m not even sure if I like him that much, it might be just a crush.

                There wasn’t really a safe place to go. Alex probably saw me run out and is now going to report to Nick that I’m on the run. Nick will probably go home early and spend the rest of his night searching for me. I’ll nearly give all my brothers and James a stroke and it’ll make me feel even more suicidal. Basically my life is just one endless tragic circle.

                The first place that came to mind was the closed down factory about two miles away that my brothers have no idea I know of. It’s where I go in times like this because the first place they’ll look is the bridge. I always have a backup plan when my brothers think they know what I’m going to do.

                I climbed through a window I broke over the summer and dusted myself off, looking around and making sure it was really abandoned. I took a deep breath and made my way to the stairs, struggling to take the mini flashlight out of my bag at the same time.

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