Chapter 9

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Zach turned off the lights and moved towards his window, pulling closed the curtains. I awkwardly stood by the end of his bed, not sure if it would be weird if I sat on his bed or not. I have slept in his bed before, of course not my choice and I wasn’t conscious, but it still didn’t feel right.

                He took off his belt and then slid underneath the blanket, watching me in amusement. I bit my lip and glanced at the previews for a moment before he patted the space next to him. “I don’t bite. Unless you want me to.”

                I looked around the room for another option, but couldn’t find one. Deciding it would be fine because Zach would never be interested in me like that, I slowly sat beside him as close to the edge as possible.

                “Get under the blanket,” he sighed. “You’re probably freezing.”

                He pulled the blanket out from under me and pulled it up to my chin, smiling down at me for a moment as he looked over my face. I quickly looked away and stared straight ahead, hoping he would stop looking at me.

                He sighed and faced his TV, folding his hands behind his head. I wanted to say something or apologize, do anything to see him smile or even smirk again. I don’t want him to be mad at me, if that’s what he’s feeling.

                I leaned against his pillows and welcomed the security of his comforter, breathing in his intoxicating scent that his whole room was filled with. I couldn’t exactly explain it, but I know I will definitely be able to tell his aroma from anybody else’s.

                The movie wasn’t really that great, but I couldn’t say much considering my thoughts were all over the place during it. Zach seemed to enjoy it, laughing sometimes and saying some lines before they did. I wanted to be as into as he was, but the bad part of my head liked to take control.

                The credits rolled, but Zach didn’t make a move to turn off the movie. Instead he turned and faced me, smiling in excitement. “What did you think?”

                “Um,” I stuttered, looking around. “It was okay, I guess.”

                His jaw dropped. “Are you shitting me right now?”

                I frowned and looked the other way, hoping he wasn’t going to get really angry at me. I don’t blame him because I would be angry at someone if they didn’t appreciate my music preferences when it meant so much to me.

                “That is like the funniest movie of all time! It’s one of my favorites and all you have to say is that it’s okay?” he asked incredulously. “I thought chicks love Channing Tatum.”

                I sat up and faced the wall as he put the movie back in its case. “Who’s that?”

                Zach took a big, frustrated breath and let it out before turning off his TV and lying on his bed. “Are you even human, Abigail?”

                I sighed and shrugged my shoulders, “Probably not.”

                Zach lay on his bed for a few moments, just staring up at the ceiling. I kept looking over my shoulder at him, wanting to have a normal conversation with him and not feel stupid every time I open my mouth. I wanted everything between us to be normal without all my problems getting in the way.

                “Friday night. Don’t forget a jacket this time.”

                I frowned and turned around to see if he was talking to me. He sat up at the same time and looked over his shoulder, flashing me his sexy smirk. “What?”

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