Chapter Thirty Two

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"I don't know if I can do this, Ruby," Halle said, fidgeting with her skirt.

Ruby pulled her into a hug. "You don't have to if you don't want to."

Halle chewed on her lip, staring at the chapel entrance as if it might eat her alive. Then, releasing a shaky breath, she nodded, "Show me."

Ruby led her inside and up the isle to the red candles lining the back of the dais. She grabbed a match stick for Halle and herself, "You light one for each person you've lost."

"Do you have to pray too?" Halle asked.

Ruby's brows furrowed, but she shrugged. "Maybe. Or maybe you do what you need in order to heal. Orpheus says he isn't sure what the candles are truly for. So I think it is up to you how to use them."

Halle stared at the candles for a moment before lighting her stick and lighting a candle. "For Sadie," she whispered. Ruby grabbed her hand and lit hers. Lexi, Rex, Beau, and Talon. She hovered before the last one, heart clenching tightly.

She didn't feel like she was drowing in the pain anymore but it hadn't lessened. It was still there to take her breath away when there was nothing to distract her. But now that she had all of this power, she didn't feel so powerless to the grief.

They stood there together, watching the flames as the bounced, before turning to leave. As they were exiting the chapel, Orpheus appeared around the corner. His steps were quick and there was an urgency in him that Ruby had never seen before.

His eyes locked on hers, "I need to speak with you."

Immediately fear rose in her, "Okay," she said. She gave Halle a quick hug before following him. As she fought to keep up with his long strides, her mind was racing. What had she done?

He took her to his office and led her back to the map. Ruby hadn't be in here in more than two months now and she hadn't seen him minus short small talk since the dance. Now though, there were blue pins on the map too. He shoved a finger towards one and said, "The Vampire Hunters are getting closer."

Ruby reeled back, "The Vampire Hunters?"

"Yes," he said, raking a rough hand through his hair, "I don't know how, but they are figuring out all of our hiding spots. Soon they will figure out this one."

Her mouth fell open and she stared at the pins. There were more red ones than last time. "Not only do we have the Shadows to deal with, but now we have hunters?"

"How's your power coming?"

"I don't know how to use it as a weapon yet."

He nodded. She searched his expression for any sign of frustration or disappointment but there was none. She breathed a sigh of relief. "What do we do?"

"I don't know," he said. The words seemed to drain him of all of his earlier anxiousness as he collasped into his chair. Ruby's heart squeezed. She'd never seen him like this.

Eager to help him she said, "Can we hunt them instead?"

His eyes rose to her, "How do you suppose we do that without them following us back here?"

"We find them, watch them, and follow them back to their home base and kill them all."

He stared at her and Ruby realized what she'd just said. She had offered to help slaughter humans without so much as blinking. Bile rose in her throat and she sat down hard. What was happening to her? Why was that suddenly the first place her mind went to?

Orpheus sighed and said, "I don't think that's our best bet. Especially since they seem to be hunting the Shadows too."

"How do you know?"

"One of my men found some dead. Killed by wooden stakes."

Ruby nodded, "Good." From her classes she'd learned vampires could only die by wooden weapons, fire, and or severe dismemberment. Something occured to her then, "How are they finding them and we aren't?"

He stayed quiet for a moment, eyes trained on the model. Then his heavy gaze fell on her. As usual it felt like he was examining her for something. She just didn't know what. "They must have figured out a pattern."

She gnawed on the inside of her cheek, "Okay. Well what does the rest of your army have to say about this?" She still hadn't met any of the 'army' she was supposed to be a part of.

"They are working on figuring it out all hours of the day."

"Is there anything I can do?" She asked, "I want to be useful."

The side of his mouth lifted, parting just enough to dispaly some of his brilliant white teeth, "You are more than useful Ruby. Even more so the moment you can weaponize your power."

This time she scrutinized him. "Can I join in on their discussions?"

Something dark flitted across his gaze, "No," he said sharply. She flinched. He sighed, rubbing his face, "I'm sorry. I'd rather you focus your time and energy on something more productive like your power."

She nodded, "I understand." Although a small part of her felt rubbed the wrong way by his refusal to let her join in.

He stood, an easy and handsome smile on his face, "I'll walk you out."

She took his outstretched hand but he didn't release it as he led her to the door. She waited, watching him reach for the handle, only to pull back.

When he faced her, the emotion on his face was so sincere that it stopped her heart. He lifted his free hand and, hesistantly, cupped her cheek. "Ruby," he said softly, "I believe in you. I know you can do this. For High Vampire society," he paused, leaning in. "For me."

He kissed her.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~
WHOA! Did you see that coming?!

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