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No one knew what had caused the accident. Not the police, not forensics, and not the detectives. It was if air itself had caused the car to fold in on itself and multiple kids to fly out. One flying all the way into the woods with fractured arm and a head wound. The state of the car itself looked like it should have been hit from all sides at once. No one could make sense of it.

But one thing was for sure. Ruby had been there, along with another girl. Halle Fairfield. Both of their blood was present, enough to suggest that they should have been dead. Halle had been thrown through the windshield and Ruby had landed mere feet from the car, not too far from the poor Sadie girl's body. Forensics discovered Ruby's blood and chunks of tissue and intestines on a large, metal chunk of the car.

Neither of the girls' bodies were found. The cops searched the woods and the road up and down, in the daylight and moonlight with dogs. Nothing.

Eventually, it was assumed that someone had taken off with their bodies. Though it was an undeniable fact that both were dead.

Mary had felt her heart shatter in ways it hadn't since she'd lost her husband. She'd had to be the one to tell Talon. However, despite her tear streaked face, he'd stayed calm. A storm crossing his dark eyes, he said, "What kind of monster steals dead bodies?" Then, "No," as if to a thought he'd had, "No. She isn't dead. I know she isn't."

Mary's face crumpled, "Talon, you need to accept this."

"Ma, I'm not in denial. I know she's alive."


He gritted his teeth, "Because, I would feel it. I would know. Someone like her doesn't just die without people feeling the repercussions of it. Especially me."

Mary sniffed, now conflicted, "I think it will take a lot more than a feeling to convince the cops that she's alive."

"I don't need the cops," he said. Then, taking her hand in his, encompassing it the way his father's used to, he promised her, "I will find her. Dead or alive, I will find her and I will bring her back to us."

Mary nodded. Sitting straighter, she squeezed his hand and said, "Okay. If anyone can do it, it's you."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~

Will he find her?

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