Chapter Thirteen

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It turned out that Halle's room was beside Ruby's. By the time Ruby went into the other girl's room to sit with her on her bed, she'd forgotten all about Emelia and her weird reaction to her forearm. At first, there was only a heavy silence between them. During this, Ruby noticed that Halle's room was identical to her own.

Then, Halle spoke, "You look gorgeous as one of the undead."

"I was thinking the same about you," she said with a laugh.

Halle's lips gave a weak tug, "Thank you."

Ruby watched as the girl picked at her nails, her gaze empty. "I'm sorry that you lost your friends," she said softly.

Halle stiffened. For a moment she was quiet and Ruby regretted saying anything, then with a deep sigh the girl's shoulders slumped, "Thank you. Beau wasn't really my friend. We'd met at the party and he offered to take me and Sadie to RedZone so of course we agreed. He was a cute and funny guy so why not," she sniffed and her watery blue eyes met Ruby's, "But you didn't just lose one, you lost four."

Ruby's heart squeezed and it felt like the air had been knocked from her. She tore her gaze away, swallowing violently against the tears, "Yes," she said hoarsely, "I did."

"You were awake. Did you. . .did you see them?"


A sound between a sigh and a sob fell from Halle. Then she was grabbing Ruby's hand roughly, a desperate gleam in her gaze, "I'm so sorry to ask this, but did you see Sadie?"

Ruby nodded, "I did." She met Halle's gaze, conveying the message she couldn't say out loud: You don't want to know.

She seemed to understand. With another airy sob she nodded and resumed staring at her nails. The conversation didn't pick up after that.

A few minutes later, there was a knock at the door and two girls entered both carrying stacks of clothes. Another followed with some pairs of shoes.

"Your clothes are on the way," said one of them in a thick, German accent to Ruby.

She squeezed Halle's hand, saying, "I'll be back." Halle only gave a small nod.

Ruby wove through the girls, into the hall and to her own room. She'd just reached her bed when there was a knock at her own door and more girls entered.

"These are your training clothes," said one. Pointing to the other she said, "and these are for everyday wear."

Ruby thanked them and picked through the clothes. Someone must have peaked at their sizes while they were dead. Cringing at the idea, she continued. There seemed to be a specific dress code consisting of reds, blacks, greys, and few other colors in dark hues. A rueful smile stretched on her lips. Even in death, her style wouldn't change.

One of the girls pulled out a measuring tape and began measuring Ruby's bust while asking her size for her delicates. She tried not to sigh out loud at the fact that no one had tried to peek beneath her skirt while she was out. They left and not too long after returned with a pile of the basics: neutrals, nudes, and scarce lace.

Once they were gone for good, Ruby turned the lock on her door. She wanted to shower without worrying about someone else barging in. The connected bath was small with just enough room for a single sink, toilet, and stand up shower. She didn't care.

Turning on the water she began the work of undressing. However, pulling off the torn and bloodied pieces of her costume was harder than she'd thought. Her throat choked with tears as she peeled the blood crusted tights from her skin and violent shudders raced through her as she lifted the black dress up over her head.

She didn't move as she caught her gaze in the mirror. Her cheeks were tear streaked, her lips trembling. But something had changed in her appearance. Her complexion was clear, gleaming. Despite how dirty it was, her hair was silky and glossy, falling over her shoulders in an onyx black to red cascade. She leaned closer, coming face to face with herself. Her jade eyes seemed softer, brighter. More alluring. Supple red lips lifting, Ruby saw the teeth beneath.

They were white. No. Whiter than white and perfect. And like she'd guessed, her canines were sharpened to knife-like points. Only slightly longer than humans.

You're not human. The realization hit her like a brick. She reared back, watching her chest rise and fall. She was not human, she was a vampire. A demon. Monster. But. . .leaning forward once again and pressing her tongue against the back of her fang, Ruby wondered what was wrong with that. As a vampire she'd be faster, stronger and overall more beautiful. She might even have magic though she wasn't completely sure what all of that meant.

A shudder ran through her. She was more than hungry now. Swallowing hard against the burning in her stomach, her chest, her throat, Ruby stepped into the shower. She lathered her skin with the plain bar of soap until her fingers felt sticky. Then, using the tiny hotel sample bottles of conditioner and shampoo, Ruby washed her hair just as much. Even when there was no more blood swirling down the drain her nails were scrubbing at her scalp. By the end, she stood beneath the scalding stream and closed her eyes, letting the heat relax her muscles.

In this moment of quiet she couldn't fight the memory of the car wreck and her knees gave out beneath her. Stuffing a hand against her mouth to quiet her sobs, Ruby let herself break down. She let herself forget that she now lived in a house with complete and total strangers. Vampires.

All of it would have been easier to manage if she had Talon with her. He would have loved all of this. Being more handsome, quicker, stronger. She would have dealt with watching him flirt and touch other girls if it meant he was here. With her.

Was he the reason for the black hole deep inside of her? Was it because of all of them? Had each of her friends torn some fabric of her soul with their deaths?

She wasn't sure but at this moment, sobbing on her knees in the shower stall and inhaling water, Ruby felt the chasm rising up to catch her.

No, she told it, leave me alone.

But still, it sent up its tantalizing breath to brush across her bones, to electrify her cells.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~
I just want to hug her!

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