Chapter Twenty-Five: Memories and Conflicts

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"So how are things going with you and that Rebecca girl? From what your mom told me, you two have been spending more time together." My dad said.

"I don't think Rebecca and I will ever be anything. She's just an experiment is all," I muttered.

"You know, that's the same thing I said about your mom. We ended up getting married, so now you know where experimenting will lead you." He smiled. I sighed, but didn't agree with him. Sure Rebecca isn't a slut, she's not a cheater, she's smart, beautiful, dangerous, and funny at times. But I don't feel like she's for me. I mean she makes my skin crawl with every touch whether it's violent or...well I think they've all been violent touches. Still, other girls can have that same affect on me so it doesn't matter. And I can't let myself get too attached anyway because I have to win this bet. It matters more than all the others and it's got nothing to do with the fact that Rebecca is a challenge. That's just the excuse I use.

"Cameron, if you don't mind, I'd like to meet this Rebecca. I remember her from back when you two were just babies. Her mom and yours used to leave you two for me to watch over, and it was annoying as hell because you two didn't get along at all. You were the one being picked on most of the time, she kicked your butt whenever you'd just say hi to her. Then I told you to man up and hit her back. Don't do that now though, you'd be locked up in jail," he chuckled.

"You're joking right? I don't remember being such a wuss," I smiled.

"Oh you were the wuss king son," he assured me.

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever, maybe if she meets you she'll finally trust me. And I'm not a wuss anymore which is the important part."

He nodded his head in agreement. "Speaking of important stuff, you are going to have to be the man of the house when I'm gone."

"Dad don't say stuff like that, you aren't going anywhere," I muttered. He had a bowl of grapes he had been munching on and I stole a few and popped them in my mouth.

"Cameron if that were true then I wouldn't be saying it at all." He replied. "You're going to have to take care of your mom and brother. Keep them safe, help out whenever and however you can. Once I'm gone your mom may be a bit out of it for a while." He explained.

"You make it seem like I won't be." I responded with a harsh tone. I don't want him to keep talking to me like this. I don't want his last visits with me to be serious talks, I want them to be us remembering the past. I want him to laugh with me because once he's gone there won't ever be another chance.

He sighed, "I know it'll be hard for you too Cameron. Have you forgotten that I lost my dad when I was in college. I took it pretty hard, and you're younger than I was so I know it'll be even harder for you. But at the same time, you have to be able to stay strong for the family. Think about Luke, he's not going to have me around for a lot of his life. And that's where I want you to come in, I need you to be there for him like I was for you, every step of the way."

"It's hard enough now dad and you're still alive." I argued, I could already feel my blood start to boil with irritation. "Every night he asks when you'll come home. He wants me to hug him the way you do, and a bunch of other things but I can't. I can't because I'm not at all strong enough and when you're gone I won't be able to do anything. I just can't do it."

I was so frustrated that my voice started cracking as I spoke. How can he expect me to just pretend things are fine for mom and Luke when they won't be? They'll be aloud to mourn while I won't be. It's bullshit. "You're strong enough because I know you are." He replied with a much softer tone to his voice, probably trying not to tick me off. "If I didn't think you were strong enough a few years ago when you first took an interest in football, then I wouldn't have helped you be so good at it. You got so mad at me those days when I pushed you and pushed you, but now you're better than anyone on your team, and you're happy about it. You are amazing Cameron and have so much potential, and I'm sorry that this has to happen to you. But the reality of the situation is that I don't have much longer, and I just want to prepare you as best I can." He pressed.

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