Chapter Thirty-Eight: Lunch with Patrick

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For the entire walk to the food court, I couldn't get Rebecca out of my mind. Sure I enjoyed seeing her in the super short, tight fitted dresses, but I was more than willing to buy that last one. On most of the ones she tried on, I just checked out her curves, and thought my usual 'I want to screw her' thoughts. With the last dress though, my attention was more on her face, and how beautiful she had looked. "What would you like to eat?" I asked her generously as the food court came into view. The place was packed like it always was over summer break, but there were still a few seats available. Not to mention we only really needed two.

"Pizza doesn't sound too bad right about now," she figured. Ever since we left Macy's she has seemed to be more perky. There's a small smile on her face each time I look at her, even if we aren't saying anything. I don't know why I care so much about her smile when I know one day I'll be the cause for it's demise, but for some reason I still enjoy knowing I've made her happy.

Smoothly, I slid my hand onto hers, and intertwined our fingers. I already knew how much she was probably surprised by my gesture, so I didn't say anything about it or even look at her to see her reaction. Instead I just led her to the pizza place. "Just tell me what you want, and I'll order while you find us a place to sit," I proposed.

"Are you sure you'd be able to?" She asked unsure. Her grasp on my hand tightened slightly, but enough for me to realize how much she didn't want to let it go.

"Yes I'm sure," I replied with a jokingly exhausted groan. "You have your cell phone, so if I can't figure out where you went then I'll just text you."

"Okay okay chill out," she surrendered. "I want two pepperoni pizzas, and a sprite."

I arched a brow at her. "Really?" I've never been with a girl who wasn't afraid to pig out in front of me. Rebecca really seemed like she would have been like that, but I guess I was wrong.

"Uh yeah really, just because you decided to look amazing today and stuff, doesn't mean I'm going to eat like a cheerleader. That'd just be stupid, especially since I'm getting it for free," she reasoned. Now that I think about it, she never came off as that type of girl... Clara wasn't like that either, she was never afraid to eat like a monster around me. Speaking of Clara, I wonder when she gets off work.

"Glad to hear you aren't a shy princess," I replied relaxed. She rolled her eyes in return and freed her hand from my own.

After she left me to go on her journey to find us a place to sit, I waited in line patiently. A text from Clara gave me something to do as I waited behind a woman, her husband, and four kids. Hey(: She had texted.

What's up? I replied like I normally would have to anyone. For some reason people didn't think I enjoyed texting because I never really said much. The truth is that I'm just lazy and it takes too long to type out full length conversations. I mean if it's really that important, they could just call. Just got off for a break. Are you still in the mall? She asked. Every part of me wanted to tell her I was and that I'd meet up with her, but then I remembered Rebecca. Her reaction earlier wasn't one I had expected to see from her. She's never seemed over protective or jealous of any girl she had seen me with before. I know she likes me now, but I also know she's liked me longer than this bet has lasted.

I am, but I'm eating with a friend. I told her. The line moved forward, and now it was the large family's turn to make their complicated order. Their kids started complaining about how they wanted McDonald's, and the dad was trying to keep them quiet but it was no use. The boys reminded me of when me and the guys would beg my dad for some grub after a football game.

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