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At seven fifty five you parked your car across the street from the address Yoongi had sent you and hurried toward his building, a very nice building you realized. After work you'd spent over an hour picking outfits and changing your mind, your poor room littered with the contents of failed choices. You'd settled on black jeans that hugged every curve of your form and a white crop top with sequins across the shoulder.

With your hair down and subtle make up you'd thought you looked beautiful enough, but not like you'd put hours of effort in, even though you had. You remembered how hopelessly flawless he'd looked leaning in your car window. Hair brushing dark lashes and the peek of his gummy smile had your heart picking up its pace.

"Y/N, you're on time, a very good start." His long fingers wrapped around the edge of the door frame as he stood back to allow you entrance. Your name on his lips made you feel warm into your core.

"You made it pretty clear I should be," you turned your head as you walked past him, was he checking you out? You knew these jeans would make your ass look amazing. He smelled good, earthy and warm. Yoongi was dressed more casually than earlier, the leather jacket and dress shirt long gone. Replacing them was an oversized t-shirt and loose jeans that made him look comfy.

"Let's go in the kitchen, you can chop some vegetables while I finish cooking okay?" The intensity from earlier in the day gone. He let his hand brush down your arm until his fingers locked in yours. The feel of his skin on yours brought a blush across your cheeks. His hand was cool and dry, it felt wonderful. He led you down a hallway, framed albums lining the walls. If you'd not still been focused on your intertwined fingers you might have asked about them.

Yoongi set you to work at the counter by his side, slicing up ribbons of carrots, the loud crunch of the sharp knife the only sound. It felt companionable, not awkward. He stirred bubbling broth and added ingredients to the pot. Every time he brushed behind you he found gentle ways to touch you. His hip brushing yours, fingertips teasing across the slice of your exposed midriff, and once his lips briefly finding the bareness of your shoulder as the shirt slipped down your arm. Your senses were lit, you couldn't decide if you wanted him to toss you on the counter and make good on all his teasing, or if you wanted to see where this slow burn would lead.

Before you even knew it dinner was done and you were setting the table together, his deep laugh brightening the room as he told you about recounting his harrowing escape from your car to his friends.

"They think I'm crazy for inviting you over you know." You both sat as Yoongi set the bowls of japchae down on the table.

"They're probably right, I did almost send you into orbit with my car." You looked up at him sheepishly and he was looking at you. His eyes had darkened, deeper than before and he gave you the slowest fuck boy smile you'd ever seen.

"I plan to return the favor shortly Y/N no car needed, eat up." He turned his attention to his bowl lifting noodles to his lips skillfully with his chopsticks. His words left you feeling a little dizzy, and you remembered all his touches from the kitchen.

"What are all those albums in your hallway? There's so many." You found neutral territory finally, digging into the flavorful food, quite skillful with your own chopsticks.

"I produce music, those are from all the artists that have won awards. I've got a couple up there myself, I've been rapping in a group a long time we gained quite a bit of popularity here." Was Yoongi blushing? You couldn't tell as he leaned his head down to take a bite. Admittedly since you'd moved to South Korea from a small town in the US you'd not really been familiar with the music scene. Even back home you'd stuck to music your friends liked mostly country and some jazz.

"What kind of music?"

"I don't really limit myself to any particular genre, as a producer or as an artist. I like to make the music that feels good at the time. One song might feel like kpop, another rock, and another something smoother like jazz or RnB. I've been lucky enough to encounter some of the greatest talent in Seoul, there's some really exciting work coming out this fall." His voice was silky now, passion etching his syllables and you suddenly wanted to put the brakes on.

Panic rippled through your stomach and you no longer felt hungry despite the delicious food in front of you. You were about to have an incredibly sexy night with this guy, you barely knew, and you realized listening to him speak, you wanted to know him. The thought felt ridiculous, he didn't owe you anything and had only implied he wanted you in his bed. Why had you agreed to this? Yoongi seemed like one of the most interesting people you'd met since getting here, and you were about to make it into something really cheap. You stood quickly, shakily and he shot out his hand to steady you, concern crossing his face as he dropped his chopsticks to the table.

"Are you okay? What's wrong Y/N?" Yoongi searched your face.

"I just remembered that I was supposed to visit my friend tonight, I can't be here." You looked away, over his shoulder to the hallway leading back to the front door.

"Can you text them you're running late?" Confusion, and something else shadowed over his features, that moments ago had been relaxed and alive with excitement discussing music.

"No, they never check their phone."

"Y/N, what's happening right now?"

"I need to go Yoongi."

"Alright, let me walk you out." He stood now too, fingers once more intertwining with yours as he led you from the kitchen table and back down the hallway. You read some of the albums as you walked, BTS, BTS, BTS, BTS, Agust D, BTS, on and on. You looked down at your hands and felt conflicted.

"Can I use your bathroom before I go?" He opened a door as you passed, leaning in to turn on the light and you entered shutting the door, neither of you saying a word. You pressed your forehead to the solid wood of the door.

Now what were you going to do Y/N?

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