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"I'm sorry Yoongi. I messed up." What else could you say? You hadn't handled the situation very well.

"Baby, no, I messed up too. I should have noticed how unsure you were feeling." He stroked his fingers down the side of your neck in a gentle caress.

Yoongi pulled you back into his arms and you let go of all the tension you'd been holding in your body. His hands eased down your back and landed at your waist keeping you snug against the line of his body. Your face was tucked against his shoulder and neck and he smelled so intoxicatingly good.

"Would you be mad if I still had questions?" Insecurities nagged at your brain, loose ends that were driving you crazy.

"You can ask me anything. We should promise to always just talk about things." He kissed the top of your head and stroked his fingers up and down your back.

"Do you invite a lot of girls back to your apartment for hook ups?" You didn't want to ask, and that wasn't even your real question. "It's not really my business, sorry."

"I have in the past, yeah. If I'm being honest, there was a point in time that I was losing track of my hook ups, but that was a dark place for me. It's not been that way for a long time." You didn't like thinking about Yoongi with all those women, you suddenly felt really jealous and tried to scoot out of his arms. He hugged you tighter with a small laugh.

"Would you believe me if I said you'd been my first hook up in five months and there's been no one after you?" You looked up at him, his eyes were so clear with no trace of deception or dishonesty.

"No." You pouted up at him.

"Why not kitten?" He lowered his head softly kissing your upturned lips. It sent shivers through your body, distracting ones that you didn't need right now.

"Did you mean it when you said you don't have time for anything serious?" This was getting closer to your real doubts.

"Yes and no. I'm busy with BTS and my solo career. I've taken on a lot of projects but for the right person I always make the time. If they can understand that work is important to me too, and be forgiving of my schedule then I will make time for them."

"How is that answer no? It just sounded like yes." You had laid your head back against Yoongi's chest, and the steady thump of his heart calmed your apprehension.

"Most girls don't want to feel like they aren't number one in my life. There are times I can't change my schedule and they get tired of it." His voice held sadness but more than anything he sounded resigned.

"Is that why you told me you feel alone even surrounded by people all day?" Your fingers played with his shirt, the softness of the material relaxing you.

"Yeah, most of the time we're just accomplishing tasks, we're not really being together. The guys in my group are like brothers to me, but sometimes we are together all the time but not actually connecting." His hands had stopped their dance along your back and settled at your waist again, this posture so comfortable and you didn't want it to end. There was just one more nagging question.

"That's a really sad way to think about it, but it makes sense." You hesitated, you couldn't ask something that might have an answer you didn't want.

Before you could decide to ask or not your doorbell rang, alerting you that your food had arrived. Good timing or bad? You couldn't decide but you sat up and Yoongi was on his feet hurrying to the door. You went into your kitchen and collected bowls and plates and chopsticks setting them on the kitchen table.

You both sat and divided up the food on the table for easy access, Yoongi's smile beautiful when you finally took a bite. It tasted better than you could have imagined. You wiggled in your seat taking another bite. He was watching you.

"What are we doing Y/N?" There it was, the question you hadn't asked dropped from his mouth.

"Eating." You skillfully twirled your noodles and brought them to your mouth.

"Kitten." His voice made it sound more like a question, but one he expected you to answer.

"Yoongi, less than an hour ago I was never going to speak to you again. I'm sorry if I'm still processing. I'm feeling some type of way about things." You snatched up the piece of beef he was going for and chewed noisily, defiantly.

"That's fair." His tone didn't match his words and he continued eating silently watching you consume half your kimchi in one bite. "Can I take you on a date tomorrow? I mean I would throw you on the floor right now and make you beg to cum but that didn't go so well last time. Maybe we should do this differently moving forward." Yoongi slurped his noodles casually like he hadn't just made your body tense and needy with his suggestion.

"We can't do- I mean where would we go? Isn't it hard for you to be in public?" Why could you picture Yoongi dragging your shirt over your head and kissing his way down your abdomen?

"It will be fine, I don't have a 'no dating clause' and I'm not usually bothered if I keep things low key. Is that a yes then? Will you spend time with me?" Your brain was doing mental gymnastics to stay on task and recall your schedule.

"I work at three but I'm open the rest of the day. Tell me more about this begging?" You leaned forward over the small expanse of the table, tongue flicking over your bottom lip as you eyed Yoongi hungrily.

"No way kitten, we're going to be the most boring couple ever, hand holding, a few kisses, and dates. I can't risk you running again, you're too hard to chase." Yoongi's smile was boyish but behind it was meloncholy. When he said he regretted making you sad, you should have been regretting the same.

"Couple?" You swallowed hard, but a tiny parade of bubbles were excitedly exploding inside you.

"When you tell me you're mine, and mean it, I'll take you to bed again." He said it simply, and the bubbles turned into a rocket.

"Rule six, never say things you don't mean." Yoongi's dark eyes focused on you and you nodded. You understood the subtext.

(A/N vote pretty pls? I'll love you always 💜)

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