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You took a deep breath. Your instinct was to fly off the handle. You wanted to text Yoongi calling him a traitor, a liar, but you didn't. Your heart was pounding and your ears felt hot with blood, you knew if you looked in the mirror you would look stricken.

Instead of texting Yoongi you lifted your phone and dialed your boss. When he answered you explained you'd not been feeling well and needed the shift off. At first you thought he was going to be upset but his tone softened at the last moment.

"You've been working too many shifts, rest up and we'll see you Wednesday." He ended the call sympathetically. His calm tone and understanding had done a lot to your own mood. You would handle this calmly too.

You swiped the first photo off the stack, you could think about this rationally. It showed Yoongi sitting on a couch with his feet propped up on a table, a topless blonde girl laying with her head in his lap looking up at him. The photos were grainy, like a security camera, taken from across the room at an angle. They were definitely not snapped with a cell phone, unless it was circa 2006. Could this have been backstage at their gig?

The second and third photos showed a dark haired girl in only a thong kneeling on the couch by his side, Yoongi still in the same position. Only this time his arm was around her back, laid across the bare skin of her narrow waist. Was he pulling her tits into his face? You dropped the photos again, bile rising in your throat.

You left the photos on your counter and hurried to your bedroom. Maybe it wasn't the same outfit as you remembered. You'd been drunk and clothes could be so similar. You thought you knew what he'd been wearing but alcohol had a funny way of erasing details. No problem, he was popular, fans would have snapped pics from his performance. It would be easy to compare, these pics were probably taken a long time ago.

Your laptop booted quickly and you typed the date, BTS, and 'club performance'. 'BTS performs at Club Elliu with special guest Zico' was the second result and you clicked the link. You had to scroll down but there they were, pic after pic of BTS, Yoongi in most of them, wearing the same outfit as the stack of photos in your kitchen. You checked the details on the page, these were definitely from two nights ago.

Back in the kitchen you scattered the photos, fanning them across the surface of the counter to look at them all at once. You plucked one up, it showed Yoongi hugging a girl from the back, his arms wrapped across her bare breasts. You couldn't talk yourself down anymore. These photos were painting a picture that made you feel sick.

He'd been so concerned for you, rushing to comfort you when Namjoon had told him about Seojun. He'd convinced you to talk things out and even sent you back to his apartment. But then what? He went across town to Ellui and got handsy backstage with a bunch of mostly naked girls?

Then after clearly having his fill of those girls he went back to his apartment, found it empty, and went to great lengths to find you? Why bother if scores of women would strip for him at the drop of a hat? If he was capable of that duplicitous behavior then he was playing a very fucked up game with you.

You tapped your phone the screen unlocking it and took a deep breath. You could afford to give him a little more benefit of the doubt. You turned your back on the counter and typed into the phone.

YN: hey

You held your breath, what if he didn't answer right away? How long would you have to sit with these feelings and questions?

MY: Shouldn't you be driving right now? You better not be texting and driving kitten

A tiny flutter of relief flickered in your chest, when his response popped back so quickly. If he was just a fuck boy why would he be so attentive to you?

YN: They over staffed so I got cut from the shift, stupid question, was Eun-ji upset about being fired?

It had to be her, who else would have taken the time to pull these photos and deliver them neatly to you? She knew where you lived too, despite telling Yoongi she hadn't paid attention to where you'd been let off, she had watched closely. Even given you a supportive hug and reassurance that it wasn't you, it was him.

MY: I don't really know, my manager didn't mention anything, why?

What were you going to say? 'Oh well I think she was because she hand delivered incriminating photos of you groping strippers at your gig!' 'I don't think you were the only one bribing security for camera footage'. 'How many of your groupies did you fuck at the club?'.

YN: You said we should be honest with each other right?

A moment later your phone started ringing. Incoming call Min Yoongi. Could you keep your cool if he was on the phone? Maybe you should send him to voicemail and stick to text. But that was a cop out, you focused on how sweet he was all day yesterday, how considerate he was with you all day today. That Min Yoongi couldn't have done that backstage at his gig knowing you were drunk and upset at his place. You answered right before it went to voicemail.


"What's wrong? Why would you need to be honest with me about Eun-ji?" His deep voice that usually vibrated soothingly into you held notes of worry.

"I think she just left me a very unpleasant gift under my door."

"Are you okay? What are you talking about baby?" Your response hadn't comforted him at all.

"Are you home? I think it's just best you see it. I can leave now."

"I'm at Namjoon's studio, could you come here? It's right by my apartment, where I was headed the day we met." You recalled the street, you'd been avoiding it for weeks.

"You might not want him involved." The last thing you wanted was to cause issues for his group.

"If a former BTS employee is harassing you he's going to end up involved anyway." Your suspicion that Namjoon was the leader of the group was right. Maybe he could help clear this up, he would know what was going on backstage with his members.

"I'll be there in twenty minutes."

"I'm worried kitten, you sound so upset." You wanted to reassure him you'd be fine, but scooping the photos back into the envelope you just thought you were going to be heartbroken again.

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