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"That's a complicated answer. Can we go into your apartment and talk?" Yoongi glanced around, clearly not wanting to have the conversation so publicly.

"No, I'm starving and I don't have anything to eat here, I was headed to the store." You turned to pull the door shut.

"You've not eaten today? I'm after 3pm Y/N!" Yoongi was all worry and anxiety. "Have you had anything to drink? Baby you can't starve yourself like that, and after all you drank last night too." He was turning you in his arms looking in your face, brows drawn in concern.

"Then get out of my way so I can leave." You shook his hands off your arms, consternation thick in your tone. "You've still not said how you found me, and it's creeping me out."

"Let's go in your apartment and I'll order you any food you want, I'll tell you anything you want to know." He'd reached out to stop the door from closing and ushered you back in, your head had started pounding again and it took all the fight out of you.

Yoongi shut the door and then pulled your purse from your shoulder urging you to sit down on the small couch in the living area. He'd left your side immediately and you heard him in the kitchen poking around, and after a moment returned with a glass of ice water.

"Drink that, all of it, and tell me what you want to eat." This nurturing energy radiating from him made you feel a little soft and you sipped the water.

"Ordering food isn't going to solve the problem later when it's dinner time and my fridge and cabinets are still empty."

"Then I'll order food again." Yoongi was looking at his phone screen, clearly waiting for you to list the entrée you desired.

"You're not staying." You gulped the water deeply, suddenly realizing that the more the conversation bounced back and forth the more you did want him to stay.

"Then I'll call the PA and have them order groceries. You can't skip meals kitten."

"Yes please call Eun-hei, tell her what eggs I like and how much bread I need. Make sure she doesn't get my bananas too ripe and if cabbage is on sale I want extra." Your tone dripped sarcasm, even him speaking of this woman he'd fucked made your stomach toss upward. You weren't hungry anymore.

"Who's Eun-hei? Do you mean Eun-ji? It will have to be someone else, I fired her this morning." Yoongi was crouching down in front of you that anxiety on his features again, his hands on either side of your legs.

"What? Why?" Wouldn't it be awkward to fire someone you'd slept with?

"She didn't do what I asked last night, and then she lied to me about it. I can't have people around me that aren't trustworthy, so I asked my manager to fire her." He seemed even more confused that you would care about the fate of a personal assistant.

"Wasn't it weird asking your manager to fire her? Aren't you worried she'll claim sexual harassment?" Your eyes were fierce now, how could he hook up with someone and then fire them?

"Sexual harassment? For what? Not doing her job? Kitten I don't know what you're implying."

"Do you fire all the assistants you have sexual encounters with?" There it was, out now, floating between you like a dagger about to cut one, or both of you, but Yoongi started laughing. It wasn't an awkward laugh either as if he was trying to diffuse the situation. He sat on the couch next to you and tilted his head like he was trying to read your mind.

"Why would I sleep with an assistant? Why would I sleep with anyone who works with me?" Yoongi was shaking his head and smiling at you, he reached out and caressed your cheek gently. "I think we should start at the beginning, drink your water I'll go first."

You lifted the glass to your lips while Yoongi quickly recounted the gig at the club he'd hurried off to when he left you with Eun-ji. It had gone great, he smiled while telling this, and then returned to his apartment about three hours later. As you already knew he found his place empty, and no sign that you'd ever been there at all.

"I immediately called Eun-ji, asked her if she'd walked you up to the apartment. She said no, she'd been called away to deal with a photographer issue for Kookie, and instead had just told you the door code. She swore she waited for a moment to be sure you'd gotten into the building before leaving." That snake, you'd never even gotten onto his block before you'd changed your mind.

Yoongi said that he'd bribed the security guards to show him all the footage of people coming and going from the building all night, and even after watching it, in great detail, he realized you'd never been to the building at all. He was not smiling now, beads of sweat on his forehead, he looked angry. He took a deep breath before continuing.

"I called Eun-ji back and she finally admitted that she'd taken you home not to my place. She said she wanted to protect your privacy and you'd begged her not to say anything. I could tell she was lying." Eun-ji had told Yoongi that she'd been so absorbed in her phone and dealing with Kookie's issue that she hadn't paid any attention to where you'd been dropped off.

"How did you find me then?" Why were you so drawn into his story? The way his eyes lit up, proud of himself, for what? Stalking you?

"I called the car service and they gave me the address of the two stops they'd made for Eun-ji, and that's how I got here, I read the mailboxes and figured out this was your place." You'd finished your water and set the glass on the tiny end table, currently littered with stacks of Amelia's mail. He looked pleased with his detective work.

"Must be nice to have so many resources for finding people who don't want to be found. Yoongi, you should go."

"Wait no, not until you tell me why you didn't come to my apartment like we agreed!" He cupped your cheeks in his hands and leaned in. You didn't want him to kiss you, but he smelled so good and if you thought about it from his perspective, what he'd done was kind of sweet. You let him press his lips to yours delicately.

"Baby, what happened? You have no clue how upset I've been, it was the last five weeks all over again. I couldn't let you disappear." He kissed you again, more urgently but you pulled back.

His part was the romantic part, what came next you knew was going to make you infinitely sad. Yes Eun-ji was a bitch, and you were beginning to believe she'd lied about her interactions with Yoongi, but the other part was still true. Where could this even go between the two of you?

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