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Lia: No! Y/N!

3 missed calls Lia

Lia: Answer your phone we can figure this out you don't need to leave

Lia: it's only going to be a few more weeks

2 missed calls Lia

Voicemail 1: Y/N I know you're disappointed, I want to come back just as much as you want me to but Jay still needs a lot of care and you know how my mom can be! If you come home you'll just end up flying back with me in a few weeks anyway. Call me back I love you sis!

KS: I really messed up last night we should talk

1 missed call Kim Seojun

KS: I shouldn't have drank so much and I never should have made you uncomfortable

KS: I wouldn't ever do anything like that sober

1 missed call Kim Seojun

KS: Can we get tea at our cafe so I can make it up to you?

KS: I hope you made it home safe, please call me back

KS: Even if it's just to yell at me

UN: Unblock my number Y/N

7 missed calls Unknown Number

UN: When I left everything was good we were going to talk it out

UN: Why did you leave my apartment before I got home?

4 missed calls Unknown Number

UN: Kitten please I'm so confused

UN: I'm not going to honor your wishes this time and let you ignore me

6 missed calls Unknown Number

Voicemail 2: What happened baby? What did I say to change your mind? Just call me back, you can block every number and I'll just keep finding new ones. Please. Please Y/N.

Mom: Hi sweetheart, you missed our call tonight, hope you're not working too hard. Papa and I love you so much call me tomorrow! ❤️

2 missed calls Mom

When you woke at two pm the next day, thankfully your day off, your head pounded with such fury you couldn't even lift it from the pillow. You'd passed out in your dress, now hiked high around your waist, one shoe missing and one still firmly attached by the strap at the ankle. Your pillow bore the remnants of mascara and eyeliner cried off when you'd stumbled into your apartment and flopped onto the bed immediately.

You'd meant to drink water and take some pain medication but the sobs that poured out wouldn't allow anything but curling into the fetal position. Amelia wasn't coming back for weeks, or longer, Kim Seojun was a creep when he drank and Min Yoongi was a fuck boy. The icing on the cake? You were still alone in a foreign country with no friends and working two jobs just to pay your bills.

When you'd finally plugged in your phone, now dead from not charging it, over 2 dozen missed calls, 2 voicemails and a host of text messages pinged through. Fuck. You'd missed your weekly call with your parents. It was too late to call them back now you mentally noted, flinching at the pain in your head when you calculated the time difference.  You text your mom back that you'd fell asleep after work and you'd call her soon.

Amelia would have to wait. You didn't know what to say to her. You were going to go home, staying here alone for over three months was never in the plan and you couldn't do it anymore. What were you accomplishing? Two part time jobs that you didn't even love?

Kim Seojun was easy. You blocked him immediately. 'I'd never do that sober' was a lame excuse. You couldn't date someone that you were afraid of every time they consumed alcohol. You felt regret for the loss of a companion. You'd seen more things around the city and had felt the most happy during your time together. That wasn't an excuse to forgive him, even if he had been your only connection.

Min Yoongi would also have to wait. Just reading his texts brought a mixture of sorrow and anger up in you. He genuinely seemed confused about why you would avoid him, maybe he should talk to that woman. Eun-ja? Euna? Eun- whatever you frowned finally sitting up.  You couldn't bring yourself to listen to the voicemail. Hearing his voice would have sliced through you like a knife. Why did his messages have to seem so vulnerable and soft?

You clawed your remaining shoe off then rocketed to the bathroom to relieve your aching bladder and find some headache medicine. Business taken care of you popped a couple Tylenol tabs and then showered, trying to scrub away all your feelings. You heard your phone noisily ringing from beneath the shower head but ignored it.

Thirty minutes later you emerged feeling a little more stable and wrapped in your fuzzy robe. The cure for a hangover was fried eggs and orange juice, tried and true by your mom back home. Her love of wine parties had tested that theory often.

You opened the fridge and groaned finding zero eggs, no juice, and no butter. As much as you didn't want to leave the apartment you didn't have a choice. The sparse contents of your pantry were appalling as well and your stomach grumbled.

In your closet you tossed on your baggiest jeans and one of your only clean shirts left. Your beat up trainers and messy bun completed your running to the store outfit and you dragged your ID and credit card from your wristlet and shoved them back into your wallet. You almost tore out your front door without your phone but at the last minute picked it up from your bed.

6 missed calls Unknown Number

You weren't going to deal with this today. You locked the screen, flipped the phone to silent and rammed it into your purse. Today you were going to eat poorly, whine about your situation, and watch bad TV. You weren't going to answer your phone or text anyone back. Before you went to bed you'd call your parents and that would be the only human contact aside from the store clerk.

Upon leaving your apartment shock hit you because sitting on the steps across from your door was Yoongi. He looked exhausted but his smile was heartbreakingly beautiful when he noticed you. He immediately rose to his feet, but kept the distance.

"How do you know where I live?" Your tone was accusatory but your heart was fluttering in your chest.

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