Twenty Three

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"I meant what I said, we aren't going to fuck in this bathroom." Yoongi breathed the words against your lips. You nodded and cupped his face in your hands, kissing both of his chubby cheeks. You thought you'd be disappointed, having not gotten your own orgasm, but you weren't. It didn't have to be one for one, that was childish. You knew there would be other encounters, and you saw there was potential with Yoongi now.

"I know, I just wanted you to know we're good, and I'm sorry I over-reacted."

"I think you reacted pretty well given the evidence." Yoongi kissed your temple and smiled, all of his teeth showing. You sighed, Yoongi was so handsome when his smile came so easily.

You'd both cleaned up and laughed softly, adjusting clothing and kissing as you got ready to leave the bathroom. You stuck your head out first, making sure the hallway was empty then Yoongi wrapped his fingers through yours and lead you back down toward the studio.

"I should go, let the three of you have some peace." You tugged your body toward the elevator your arm stretching wide when he reached the door of Namjoon's studio and stopped.

"Stay Y/N, listen to us work, you've never heard me rap before. Jimin is just watching too. I'll drive you home after." His eyes were pleading and you realized you hadn't paid much attention to his career, his passion. You'd researched him after you'd left his apartment that night but then avoided his music at all costs.

"Won't they hate me crashing?" You didn't want to be the annoying girl that made the all the guys secretly cringe every time she showed up.

"If they hate it they won't say a word in front of you. Joon is going to be so busy busting my ass over every detail he'll forget you're there, and it will make me happy just to look out of the booth and see you watching." He'd pulled you against him by the waist, the sweet romantic Yoongi from the Ihwa village back.

"Alright, but if they look annoyed I'm ordering a cab!" Yoongi kissed the tip of your nose and opened the door. You braced yourself for the jokes about your absence but both of the guys just looked up then went right back to their heated debate.

"Hoseok is not going to dress up like a girl just so you can compare him to that pic Jimin." Namjoon was shaking his head and adjusting some settings on his sound board.

"Kookie said he'd do it." Jimin pouted and flopped backward on the couch.

"Kookie is the maknae he does whatever you tell him. Yoongi you ready? I've got the track lined up, let's go adjust the mics." He was turning on a light and the wall behind his booth lit up, showing a room where you'd thought was just a solid wall. Yoongi squeezed your hand and you sat down opposite Jimin and watched them exit through a door into the booth.

"I'm your bias aren't I? I won't tell Yoongi, you can tell me the truth." Jimin's flirty smirk played across his plush lips teasingly.


"Geez he wasn't joking when he said you didn't know BTS. It's the guy or girl in a KPop group that you prefer over the others, the one you originally feel drawn to, or over time like the most."

"I've only listened to like 2 minutes of one of your songs, but I enjoyed it, I only turned it off because I was angry with him." You whipped your head back to the sound booth, blushing.

"He can't hear you, don't worry," Jimin chuckled, "seems like you have a lot of catching up to do. You've never heard him rap before?" He was eyeing you curiously, and you squirmed a little under his gaze.

"People keep saying that like it's a scary thing."

"He's good, really good." The silence that fell between you was comfortable, both of you watched Namjoon adjusting the microphone, Yoongi changing the arrangement of the equipment.

"If BTS is so popular and girls are always throwing themselves at you, how does your girlfriend handle it? You said she would have flipped out if she'd received pics like that of you?" You had more than one reason for asking the question. Curiosity about BTS girlfriends sure, but also curiosity about how the guys handled relationships.

"I was mostly joking, my girl can be very jealous, but she's also incredibly trusting and supportive."

"How long have you been together?" You decided to dig a little deeper, still not getting the information you really wanted.

"Over two years, we met when BTS was taking off, it took time for me to trust that she wasn't in it for the ride. What convinced me was how much she had going on in her own life, Briar is finishing medical school, she has tons of friends, hobbies, and her own life. If I'd known she was always waiting for me, I don't think we could have made it this far, I'd feel too guilty." You nodded swallowing hard.

"Do you see each other a lot?" Why did your voice squeak out so awkwardly?

"Of course, but it still helps that I know if I have to cancel plans or rearrange our schedules that she's not alone. Joon's girl is the same way, she's a professor at a music school and she cancels on him way more than he does on her. Don't tell him I said that." Jimin chuckled again, eyes going wide at his admission.

Your instinct had been right, you needed to find your own spark, your own satisfaction in life that didn't revolve around Amelia or a guy you were seeing. You needed to chase your own dreams, find hobbies, and even friends that could make your days exciting. As easy as it would be to fill every moment you could with every second Yoongi could give you, that happiness wouldn't last. He clearly would have things he needed to get done, and it would start causing conflict between you.

"Y/N?" Jimin was leaned forward and you wondered how long you'd been lost in your own thoughts. Namjoon had returned to the room and was positioned in front of the sound board sliding some switches.

"Sorry, I must have zoned out for a second." You blushed and Jimin looked concerned.

Music filled the room, deep vibrating beats that you felt in your chest, it brought you back into the present, and you looked past Namjoon to Yoongi in the sound booth, he gave a thumbs up and smiled. When he started rapping, you forgot every other thought that had been bouncing through your head.

He was good like Jimin said, very good. The way the syllables tumbled from his mouth had your senses on fire, goosebumps raising on your arms. He was so smooth and impassioned, making words trip over each other then glide into long strings of sounds that caused you to shiver from how deeply you felt it. You didn't even notice the huge smiles on Namjoon and Jimin's face as they watched you falling in love with Yoongi.

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