Twenty Four ♥

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The next four weeks you stuck to your plan, you were going to find ways to have experiences that brought you joy. You'd started having lunch in the cafeteria at the school, joining in conversations with other teachers. After a couple days one of them invited you for drinks with their group. It ended up being a lot of fun, constant laughter and amazing discussions, and became a regular Wednesday night for you.

At the book store you saw a flyer on the community board about painting classes. You'd had a passion for art in high school, but never pursued it. Looking at the colorful flyer describing people of all skill levels you decided to go. After just two classes you'd cleared space in your bedroom and bought supplies to keep painting in your free time. You found that you had a natural talent for it. You were working on a canvas inspired by the post card Yoongi had bought you on your date.

You'd broken down on the phone with your parents and told them everything, how hard things had been for you since Amelia left, your uncertainty about your future, and they listened without judgement. After you'd finished they insisted that they send you some money to help buffer you until Amelia came back, to prevent you from having to pick up so many extra shifts. You wanted to say no, but instead promised to pay it back at the first chance you had.

You talked to Amelia daily, she still wasn't sure when she'd be back, but had started to make concrete plans to return. You'd mentioned you were dating someone, but left it pretty vague. After a brief discussion she agreed on selling the car, there were plenty of transportation options. It had been a safety net for you when you arrived, another way of avoiding having to actually interact with other people. Between your half of the car cash and your parent's loan, you felt financially secure, which gave you peace of mind. After over eight months in Seoul you finally enjoyed living here.

You text Yoongi constantly and saw him regularly, but not daily. Things were progressing between you, but you were struggling to commit to defining the relationship. What if you weren't cut out to seriously date an idol? What if a few months down the line he was too busy to see you and you were unhappy again? As content as you found yourself with your new friends, and hobby, it felt too soon to know that if you put all your energy into Yoongi you wouldn't regress and depend on him too much.

You could tell Yoongi wanted, maybe even needed the definition. The way he looked at you sometimes made you want to tell him exactly what he wanted to hear, but something always stopped you. You shut things down every time it got too heated between you, even though you wanted him so badly it was making you crazy. Even just being in the same room with him was a test of your self control. You'd started waking up at night, breathing heavy, your panties soaked and the frisson of sexy dreams dancing from your mind, unable to be grabbed back into memory.


YN: Dinner tonight? My place? I want to show you the piece I've been working on

MY: Don't you paint in your bedroom? Are you inviting me in?

YN: I'll bring the canvas into the living room

MY: I'll bring food

YN: Don't trust my cooking?

MY: You're a talented artist, not a talented cook

YN: You're mean Min Yoongi

MY: I dare you to say that to my face kitten

You kept your look casual for dinner, thin purple leggings with an off the shoulder black shirt. Your hair was down and you swiped on only low effort makeup. Yoongi always told you how beautiful you looked, full face or bare.

Yoongi arrived before seven thirty, and once he'd set the bag of food on the counter, swept you into his arms for a kiss hello. He held your body close, his kisses familiar but still exciting. His hands eased down to your hips, and you allowed yourself to get lost in Yoongi for just a moment.

"Hi." You breathed against his lips finally pulling back.

"I missed you." He left kisses on your cheek and forehead.

"It's been two days."

"Not sure I would survive three." You kissed him softly then led him to your bedroom. Although you said you'd bring the painting to the living room you hadn't. You couldn't be afraid of being together with him anywhere. The first lesson Yoongi had taught you was controlling yourself.

He admired the painting letting you tell him why you'd chosen to make the koi in the pond turn from dull gray to bright orange as it drew closer to the surface. He hugged you to his side complimenting your technique and telling you how proud he was of your talent. You teased him that maybe someday he could sell it for a new car when you were a famous painter.

Yoongi was always supportive, in fact when you'd gotten cold feet about the first Wednesday night drinks he'd encouraged you to go. Said if he needed to come with you he would. That had made you laugh, imagining how that would have gone down.

You knew you loved this man, you'd felt it for a while. He was all the things you'd hoped you'd find someday, and even if you couldn't tell him it was true even unspoken. Why couldn't you just tell him?

Back in the kitchen you leaned over the sink turning on the water to rinse off some chopsticks and plates. You felt Yoongi walk up behind you his hands smoothing over your hips and across your tummy. His solid form against your back made you feel warm and dropped your stomach downward. You leaned backward into his touch as his fingers brushed your hair behind your shoulder and his mouth kissed your earlobe, balmy breath dancing down your neck.

"I didn't just miss you Y/N, I thought about you constantly." His voice was light and sexy, and his hand had gripped your shirt and was dragging it upward. You moaned pressing your ass against him feeling him hardening against you through his pants. Alarm bells were ricocheting in your ears, this was where you usually stopped him.

"What did you think about?" You turned your head slightly murmuring your response, his teeth dragging down your neck until they met your collarbone, he was kissing his way across it to your shoulder. His hand was all the way up now, the cloth of your shirt bunched up as he wrapped his long fingers around your neck, slight pressure on each side.

"Why you've not been in my bed yet, kitten." Yoongi's other hand was busy now, sliding into the thin material of your leggings, fingertips brushing into the crease of your thigh, your senses were on fire. You really needed to stop him, but you gasped as he brushed his thumb against the wet spot forming in your panties.

"Yoongi-," you breathed his name, the last syllable catching in your throat as he pulled the material to the side, his thumb now parting your slickness, his mouth kissing a trail of lava back up your neck.

"I belong to you baby girl, I think you know that already." A whine of need poured from your lips when you felt his finger slip into your tightness, his thumb retreating upward to circle your clit. Between the words he whispered into your ear and your senses that were engulfed in flames you could barely think.

"Y/N?" You and Yoongi both startled from your bubble, you falling forward against the sink, Yoongi wrenching back, as Amelia dragged her suitcases loudly through the front door a few feet away.

(A/N could you spare a vote? Pretty pls with Yoongi on top?)

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