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You sat down on the edge of the tub, forehead dropping into your palms. What had happened? You'd accepted his invitation knowing exactly what tonight was supposed to be about, you couldn't just flip the script now. It wasn't even your script to write. Yoongi was calling the shots, and clearly found you a fun distraction from whatever had earned him all those awards. You were supposed to be sexually attracted to him, not actually interested.

You would just end this here, the flirtation had been fun, but you could tell he was the type of guy you could catch feelings for, and your move to Seoul had been about reinventing yourself not finding another heartbreak. You flushed the toilet for effect and washed your hands at the sink, glancing at yourself in the mirror. Your cheeks were rosy and that continued down your chest. Nothing you could do about it now.

You opened the door to find Yoongi leaned against the wall across from the bathroom and you flicked the light off pulling the door shut behind you. He was taking you in carefully, eyes lingering on yours before he closed the distance and let his hand grip your waist.

"When you said friend, did you mean boyfriend?" His voice held no judgement, but you thought you could sense hurt in the words.

"No Yoongi, I'm not a cheater." He pulled you closer until your body laid against the long plane of his, you could feel his warmth through his clothes. He leaned forward letting his next words play against the lobe of your ear.

"Then why are you running from me Y/N?" He wasn't teasing you, these weren't words that held the promise of seduction and desire like earlier at the table. You stepped backward, your shoulders finding the bathroom door and froze.

"I don't want to be your plaything. I changed my mind." Each word came out less powerful than the last until you whispered the final ones. You wiggled sideways between his body and the door until you were free.

"Did I ask you to be my plaything?"

"You implied it."

"I asked you to dinner."

"You offered to teach me discipline."

"I regretted that and apologized."

"Yet here I am."

"For dinner."

"Why do I feel like I'm dinner?" All through this exchange he'd not moved, just watched you, giving you space.

"You can be whatever you want Y/N, I prefer my dates to be willing and consensual. If you were dinner I'd have you tied to the kitchen table instead of set with bowls of japchae turning cold." Why did everything that came out of his mouth sound like music? Even just listening to him you could sense why he'd acquired so many awards.

"I thought I wanted a hook up, and I don't."

"I thought I wanted that too, but right now I feel like I'll be really disappointed if I don't hear from you again." He said it lightly, without much feeling, but you could see the truth behind his eyes. You wanted to kiss him, but wouldn't that just confuse the situation?

"Then we should eat." You turned back to the kitchen and when you passed him he took your fingers again and walked with you to the table, his thumb stroking a path down your palm. You returned to your seats, but a little awkwardly as you resumed eating.

"How long have you been in Seoul?" He crunched into a piece of broccoli obviously trying to clear the air between you. Did you really look that obviously like a newcomer to the city?

"Six months, I came with a friend, but she moved back home a month ago when her brother got sick, and it's been hard living alone. What's your group called?" Your depressing living situation definitely wasn't going to make this meal less bleak.

"BTS, and I release solo albums as well." You remembered how almost every award on the wall held the name BTS. So much for his claim that they did pretty well here, clearly they were very popular. "I live alone as well, but I'm always surrounded by people everywhere else, my group, fans, staff, but I find I'm lonely even then sometimes." Yoongi's soft voice held the loneliness that you felt. You set your spoon down and squeezed his wrist, a smile crossed his features, making him look beautiful.

"You're more popular than you let on then?"

"The reason my friends really think I'm crazy for inviting you over is because they think you're a saesang who staged that encounter. But there was no recognition in your face at all, you looked horrified at what happened. If you could really pull that off, you would be a famous actress." You knew the term from your friend who had mentioned a girl that had stalked a kdrama actor for weeks.

"I don't know anything about South Korean music, I moved here to teach English, it was a very last minute decision with my best friend." You realized your fingers were still on his wrist, and you could feel his pulse tapping at your fingers slow and steady.

"I believe you, no way a saesang could have kept themselves from texting me if they had my number." He smiled again and brushed your hair behind your ear.

"I'm sorry I made this so uncomfortable."

"I think if we just communicate better, we can get back on track."

"What if I wanted to kiss you? And I'd been thinking about it for a while?" You suddenly felt bold, his fingers still lingering near your hair, your fingers on his wrist.

"Kiss me then Y/N." He didn't move, just dropped his impossibly dark eyes to your lips, his tongue teasing from between his own to wet the bottom one.

So you did. You felt like you were moving through water as you leaned into his space, noticing Yoongi still didn't advance your way. He let you clear all the distance and press your soft lips to his, and when they met you felt all the butterflies that had laid dormant in your stomach take flight. His hands locked into your hair now and turned your head just slightly to the side as he deepened the kiss, taking control from you.

When your lips parted in a sigh he took the chance to tease the tip of his tongue down your full lip and into the space between your mouths', teasing and stroking until you felt high on his breath, the earthy ardent taste of him making you tighten your grip on his wrist.

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