Twenty One ♥

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You didn't trust yourself to drive so you grabbed a cab outside your apartment. The ride was quicker than you thought, you'd hoped you would have the right words by the time you reached the studio but it hadn't been long enough.

You rode the elevator up to the third floor like Yoongi said, the chilly air conditioning making you shiver. Your mind raced, the old urge to throw the envelope in his face and storm off crept back into your head. When the doors opened Yoongi stood there, worried and radiating the same pent up energy from when he'd come into the private room at the club.

"I thought you said you were leaving right away? I started thinking you weren't coming." He pulled you into his arms, resting his chin on the top of your head. You wanted to push him away, this traitor who'd been all over naked groupies but you swallowed hard and focused on hugging him back.

"I did leave right away, I took a cab, it didn't take very long at all?" You were careful to not sound agitated or angry.

Yoongi lead you a few doors down the corridor and opened one ushering you in first. It was a large space one wall completely covered in computer equipment and sound boards, the other two couches and some comfort items. Kim Namjoon sat at a rolling chair at the desk in front of the equipment and Jimin sat on one of the couches.

"Hey Y/N." Namjoon welcomed you with a nod and Jimin a small wave watching you curiously. "Yoongi says Eun-ji left something at your apartment?" You tugged the envelope from your purse and held it out. You didn't want to look at them again.

Namjoon slid forward and took it pulling it open and taking out the stack of pics. You walked to the couch and sat down, distancing yourself. Yoongi had walked next to him and was watching as he flipped through the pictures. Neither of them said anything but you watched their faces change from neutral, to confused, to amused almost completely in sync.

"Jimin come look at these." Immediately without hesitation he was on his feet accepting the pics and turning through them. He paused on one, looking at it for a long time and then frowned.

"How did I turn into a naked girl?" He skipped ahead a couple photos then went back.

"That's what I thought. Hoseok and Kookie too." Namjoon finally smiled and Yoongi let out the breath he'd been holding. He closed the distance and tugged you to your feet hugging you so close your sides ached.

"Seeing those pics must have been really terrible, sorry kitten. We can explain, it's not what you think." Jimin and Namjoon were laughing behind his shoulder, but you couldn't see them around his body.

"Hobi's tits are fantastic. I need to meet his surgeon." Jimin choked out between laughs.

"Jungkookie has the tiniest waist!" Namjoon's deep voice crooned.

"Well that's true anyway." They were panting with laughter.

"Will someone tell me what's going on?" You pushed back from Yoongi's embrace.

"Someone photoshopped pics of the guys into naked girls and sent them to you. They did really well too. For a moment I was trying to recall a time I let a stripper lay on my lap. I don't think I've ever done that but the pic was so convincing I was trying to remember."

"When I saw the pic of Yoongi hugging the girl from behind I remembered at the gig when he and Jimin were wrestling, because I told them to knock it off before wardrobe raised hell. This person has talent that's for sure." Namjoon held up the pics and you took them. Jimin stepped to your side watching as you flipped through.

"Hoseok was laying on the couch not in Yoongi's lap, and that's Kookie kneeling next to him in that pic, he wasn't even topless. Unedited these would have been completely unremarkable." He squeezed your arm. "Yoongi's lucky you brought these over, my girlfriend would have wrecked her car into my apartment already." He looked completely serious.

"My girlfriend would have stolen my credit card and bought half of Seoul by now. Don't worry Y/N, we'll handle Eun-ji." Namjoon laughed and the tension in your chest from the last two hours finally eased.

"Kitten, are you ok?" Yoongi had tilted your chin up and was looking into your eyes.

"I'm relieved, I was really mad at you." You pouted your lips and he brushed his thumb across the bottom one. "I wanted to block you."

"Lucky for you that you didn't." His eyes were dark as he said it, his tone thick with his promise from the previous day.

"Is there a restroom?" Yoongi nodded in response and took you back into the hall to another door. When he attempted to release your hand to wait in the hall you gripped his fingers tighter.

"What are you doing Y/N?" His tone was low and you felt it into your belly. You tugged his arm and he raised a brow following you into the single stall restroom. You clicked the lock behind him a wicked smile on your lips.

"Kitten, boring. Remember that conversation?"

"Mmmhmm, but I just figured since you didn't actually get to see any boobs the other night like in the pics," you'd backed up against the sink, then hopped up onto the counter, "you might want to see some now."

You crossed your arms over your chest and as sexily as you could tugged your shirt over your head dropping it on the sink next to you. With a flick of your fingers behind your back your bra slid down your arms into a puddle in your lap. Yoongi stepped forward, spreading your knees wide with his body.

"Baby, what's rule two?" His lips were leaving kisses across your bare shoulder, you felt the flutter of need go straight between your legs. You thought back to the night in his bedroom searching for the answer.

"Don't tease you, follow directions" You moaned feeling teeth as his lips met your neck.

"I can't wait to show you what happens when you break the rules."

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