Thirty ♥

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You lay on the bed beside Yoongi, your head on his thigh, shaking a little. His hands smoothed from your knee up toward your stomach as he sat up looking down at you, his own devilish smile turning on his lips. His hand journeyed back downward between your parted legs, brushing your wetness. It made you shiver, you were so sensitive from his mouth. He didn't seem to care that you were over stimulated when he brushed his thumb over your clit.

"Oh no kitten, there's no rest." He stroked himself slowly in his hand kneeling on the bed, you were sitting up now too. When you reached for him he shook his head ever so slightly and grinned, lacing his fingers into your hair. With gentle pressure he moved you forward and down, and you knew immediately to take him into your mouth again. The feeling of him pressing into the back of your throat made you gag and he pulled against your hair harder.

You sucked against his hardness while he pushed past your lips again, Yoongi groaning at the sensation. For a minute he just eased back and forth languidly, your tongue making loops around his length. On your hands and kneels in front of him you looked up and met his gaze. Yoongi looked hungry for you even now, his hand brushing your cheek, wiping a tear that had escaped during your gagging.

"You're so beautiful Y/N." He murmured and pulled himself from your mouth again. "I can't wait anymore, I need to be inside you."

Yoongi used his body to press you backward against the bed, his mouth taking yours, while his hands arranged you beneath him. His kisses melted into your throat and neck, and all the way down to your breasts. His tongue laving around each nipple before taking as much of your breast into his mouth as he could. His fingers where busy as well, two sliding tantalizingly slowly into your depths. You arched against him at the intrusion, wishing it wasn't just his fingers.

"You're still teasing me." You lifted to your elbows, fingers grasping his length and caressing him. You frowned at him before smiling slow and sexy. Did he always have to be so in control?

Yoongi slid forward, his thighs beneath yours until your ass tilted upward at the perfect angle. Your legs wrapped loosely around his hips, as much as you wanted to lock your ankles and draw him inside; you waited. He dragged his hard cock through your wet folds, you were dripping for him, beyond ready for him to fill you. When he was lined up with your opening he moved his hips forward, just infinitesimally and you whimpered at the exquisite feeling of him parting you.

"Baby-" Yoongi moaned leaning downward to kiss you again, when your lips met in a wet lock he slid all the way inside. You clenched around him, desperate and needy for him to stroke into you again and again, he felt made for your body. He must have felt it too because he started moving, delving into you, his hips spreading you wider.

"Yoongi, harder." You cried against his shoulder, you wanted him to fuck you into the bed, make you weak with his hard pounding body, but he was holding back, moving at a pace that drove you crazy while sending pleasure through every nerve.

"You're so tight, I can't, I won't be able to stop." He gasped between his words, still steadying himself with his temperate pace. You lifted your hips with every thrust, which increased the pressure and he intertwined one of his hands with one of yours stretching them both over your head. His mouth found your neck, sucking hard against the flesh as he stroked harder, your own breathing coming out in gasps.

"Give me your love." You begged him your free hand reaching over his shoulder, nails roughly scratching from his neck down his back, and he moaned, throwing himself into you now. He was giving you all of himself with each powerful lunge and you were crying out, holding onto him. You wanted more, but could barely contain yourself already waves of desire making you pant breathlessly.

"I'm close Y/N." His movements were shorter but harder and you squeezed yourself around him, teasing curse words from his lips still against your throat. You were right there, your high pressing against your mind, rippling from your tummy downward, you just needed him to finish with you.

"Now baby, please now." Your fingers were in his hair pulling him upward to kiss you and then you were both shaking reaching your orgasm him spilling himself inside you, it made you feel drunk and you clung to him. When you'd both calmed he lifted to his forearms and kissed your forehead, then nose finally lips.

"I love you Y/N."

"I love you Yoongi, I always will."


Nine months later


You sat on the bench in the hallway and groaned. Your hands clutched your stomach, you felt queasy. You'd felt this way for hours, pain and nerves settling in your tummy and you couldn't shake the feeling. You leaned forward glancing down the hallway in both directions worriedly.

Where was he? He was never late, this wasn't like Yoongi. Of all days for him to not respond to your texts quickly or answer his phone. You wanted to be annoyed but you just checked the time on your phone and waited.

YN: Where are you?

YN: I meant it, you need to be here now! Hurry baby!

YN: Call me when you get this, where are you?

You set your phone on the bench beside you and dropped your aching head to your palms. You'd just go in without him, you couldn't wait even five more minutes.

"Y/N! I'm here, I'm so sorry, don't be mad." You looked up and Yoongi was literally running toward you down the long hallway, grimacing. He helped you to your feet and you grabbed your purse and cell phone before he guided you through a doorway and down another hall.

"Where were you! Didn't you get my messages?" You winced at another stab in your stomach.

"My phone is dead, it wouldn't turn on. I was going to use Joon's phone to call but then I just rushed here when I realized how late it was getting."

"You promised to replace that old broken thing last week."

"I know, I know! We'll take care of it after this I swear." He kissed your cheek as he hurried you through another doorway.

"Don't you think we're going to be a little busy tomorrow?" You admonished and then froze, the way blocked by so many people.

"We'll go this way." Yoongi pushed through a door that said 'Security Only' and you both picked up the pace. Finally he rounded a corner and pushed through a final set of doors and you both waited, a few people in the area but mostly ignoring you.

"We made it, everything is fine baby. Are you okay?" He rubbed his hand down your back reassuringly.

"I've been sick with worry, I'm so nervous!"

"Kitten, your parents are going to love me." You both watched as the huge plane lined up with the gate.

The End

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