Character Sketch

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Vansh Rai Singhania

Vansh, an Army official with big dreams. Was boyfriend of Riddhima. Still loves her to the core of heart. Ruthless and cold hearted for the world but a gentle and humble person for loved ones.

Riddhima Sharma

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Riddhima Sharma

Riddhima, a chirpy and childish girl. Was girlfriend of Vansh before her marriage. Wife of Kabir Sharma. Is a doctor who serves in the army.

 Is a doctor who serves in the army

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Kabir Sharma

Kabir, an Army officer. However he is respects Riddhima very much. Never confronted to Riddhima that he loves her.

 Never confronted to Riddhima that he loves her

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Anupriya Sharma

Mother of Kabir and mother in law of Riddhima. Hates Riddhima because she is working after marriage. Loves her only son very much. Wife of late Kumar.

Ishani Rai Singhania

Sister of Vansh. Very supportive to her and knows about his heartbreak after Riddhima's marriage. Was Riddhima's classmate in school.

Siya Singhal

Riddhima's best friend. Is very sad after Riddhima's marriage but happy as she is not with Kabir

Aryan Rai Singhania

Vansh's younger cousin brother. As they belong to a family of Army officials, he is down to earth and does everything on time.

Uma Rai Singhania

Mother of Vansh and Ishani. A housewife. Wife of late Ajay. A very humble lady who is sad for Vansh after Riddhima's marriage.

Rekha Gupta

Mother of Riddhima. Hates her a lot and never wanted her. Loves her husband and son.

Sunil Gupta

Father of Riddhima. Loves Riddhima very much. A happy person who wants an happy atmosphere.

Rishi Gupta

Elder brother of Riddhima. Loves her very much. Wanted her to be married with Vansh. A cardiologist by profession.

More characters will be added accordingly. Hope you had interest in it. Most awaited for me!!

Tanvi 💫

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