28. Shocked

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It was night, Vansh was still driving while Shrinath and Armaan were sleeping. He looked at the passing yellow street light falling some part of the road, and darkness at some spots.

That's so life

Vansh thought, and continued driving. After moving a kilometre ahead all the lights were switched off. Only one of ten were on.

That's his life

Vansh chuckled at his own thought. He never missed anyone on duty, that's what he liked the most about himself. His loved ones are his strength, not weakness.

"Now I think I should drive. You have drove alot Vansh." Shrinath said out of the blue.

Vansh didn't want to stop, atleast he wasn't overthinking all the way. But he couldn't say no to Shrinath. May it be he was at lower post but older in age, and Vansh never wanted to be called any respectful word from him.

He came back and sat at Shrinath's place. Looking at Armaan he chuckled. He was a young boy, sleeping as he was too tired to do anything.

Vansh shrugged off, he was tired and he too wanted to gather some sleep. He kept his eyes open forcibly as he didn't want to close them unnecessarily. And at last, sleep engulfed him.

" We are here!" Armaan's voice broke Vansh' sleep. Armaan was at the driving seat and Shrinath next to him, but he didn't wake up.

Vansh stretched his arms and sighed, it was quite cold. Actually very cold. Pulling out his jacket he wore it and saw Armaan staring at everything.

"What are you watching?" He asked.

"I am seeing snow for the first time. So became a little excited. When will we go to the malls?" Armaan asked.

"Muzaffarabad is not such a big city. There maybe limited malls but much parking lots." Shrinath said with a yawn.

"First we will go to the headquarters and ask the whereabouts of witnesses of the blast. We might get a clue then." Vansh said and the duo nodded.


"We can't keep her for much days. She will eventually die." A man whose face was covered with a cloth said to his partner in the same attire.

"No no no. Boss has said to keep her alive and torcher her. We can't leave her now." The other one said.

"But she is dead for everyone why are we keeping this trash?" The first man said angrily.


"Tch...she gained consciousness again. Go get her." His partner said.

A tinkle sound came near a car. And both of them rushed towards it


"Did you see who it was!!" Vansh said tapping the table to the boy infront of him.

"N..no. It was a girl maybe..I don't know." The boy said.

"Did you see any of the men's face?" Armaan asked playing with the pen.

"No..they wore black cloth on face." The boy said.

"You can go." Shrinath said and he rushed outside.

"There are chances...in the video, she had cutted all the wires leaving two. The bomb blast was only one. And getting her stuff we declared she is dead. This girl was something. We need to get more information." Shrinath said.

"Two were left...that means she cutted one more wire. The bomb blasted in Muzaffarabad near the railway station which luckily didn't get too much affected... Maybe it was the parking lot of railway station?" Armaan said putting up his views.

"Parking lots are open place in the Railway station. If the bomb blasted their this means that...." Vansh stopped linking all the things in astonishment.

"The bomb of the place where they were didn't blast!" Shrinath completed.

"But why would they keep her alive. She ruined their plan. They would have killed her on spot." Armaan said.

"But if they had killed her on spot they would have sent her body as you know they threat that next time we will come with more such acts. LeT is good at that." Shrinath stated.

"It is also possible they threw the body somewhere and left it to be lost so we don't come looking for them" Armaan said.

And here, Vansh was still blank at what all he was listening.

"The bomb blasted at the forbidden jungle near railway station. Why would someone place a bomb there? I mean...they could have placed it on railway station easily but they didn't." Vansh said.

"Yeah..that should be noted." Shrinath said and Armaan scribbled on paper.

"We need to lookout for someone who keeps visiting the jungle. Or probably everyone who visited that day." Vansh said.

"Our focus should be on getting the point where they were, what they planned and why didn't it came to force if everything was going good. Not Riddhima's...... existence." Vansh said.

"Right Vansh." Shrinath said with a sigh.

An hour or so later, they were at the end of the railway station, wandering and looking for 'something' which could help them.
Srinath and Armaan were looking for any CCTV footage if possible, while Vansh still had hope inside that...maybe. maybe they will also find.


Vansh turned to see a 6-7 year old girl running towards him with flowers in her hands. She breathed heavily standing infront of Vansh and gave him the flowers. Vansh smiled looking at her red cheeks.

"Thankyou. But what are you doing here little one?" Vansh asked and sat on his knees, but still couldn't match with her height.

"I...came to.. give these to you." She said and sighed. Realising something she stared at her face for a while.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Vansh asked smiling confusingly looking at her 'O' shaped mouth turning into a smile.

She started jumping and clapping moving in rounds all over the grassy area and pulled him by his collar.

"You are Ridzi's Vansh!" She exclaimed...

"Ridzi ka Vansh aa gaya. Ridzi ka Vansh aa gaya." She sang jumping all over and kissed his face.

While Vansh, just stared at the little girl who was dancing with a blank face.

So how was today's episode!?
Ekdum mast 😏
Votes chahiye bhar ke... because next episode is ready...
If there are enough votes after I come back from school I will post Today only.

We won the first prize!!!
Battle Scars grabbed first position in Arduous Fanfiction awards with 50/50. 💥❤️

So keep loving me and this book!
Tanvi 💫


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