32. Better?

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"we have to move as fast as we can. 29, stands for the upcoming 29 November. R can maybe stand from cities with R and same goes to W and H. These can be the places to be blasted." Major Sharma looking at the reports sent by investigators.

"Sorry sir, but I think it's Riddhima Was Here. R W H." Armaan stated.

"These are not the city to be blasted. These are cities where bombs would be sent o for blasting somewhere else. It's Rishikesh, Walpur and Haridwar." Vansh said, much confidently.

"And how can you he so confident Vansh?" Major Sharma asked.

"Riddhima...told me sir." Vansh said and all stared him.


"I missed you." He whispered slowly, and Riddhima smiled faintly, which was barely visible from the oxygen mask she wore.

Her trembling hands tried reaching the mask to remove it, which brought Vansh to a big smile and he helped her. Although he knew she needed that at much extent, but if she wants to speak let her speak.

"Rishi..kesh Walpur, Haridwar." She said and pulled her mask back, she wasn't able to breath without it.

Vansh was stunned by her words. This girl had just came out of such a big torture and is still stuck on the same thing.

"You..need to rest." Vansh said setting her oxygen mask properly.

She was even tired of speaking three words which barely left her mouth. Moreover, her mind was still stuck to the nation.

"You need to let her rest now." The doctor said to Vansh and he sadly nodded.

Flashback ends

Vansh sighed looking at everyone who stared at him. They all would never believe that she it herself.

"Done then. First we need to find and finish the base here. The lady and her husband are now in jail after spelling out everything they knew. There are many women too, included in terrorism." Major Sharma said.

"What about the base sir?" Shrinath asked.

"Still looking for it. Maybe Riddhima could help?" Major Sharma asked looking at Vansh.

"I'll try sir. But I want to go for it too." Vansh said.

"We can't put our worthy officers at risk Vansh. You can not go." Major Sharma straightaway denied.

"Then sending a weak team would not work sir. I want to go." Vansh said, and now who could deny anyone's love for the nation. Sharma had to agree, and he did with a sigh.

"Fine then. After three days you will be leaving for the assigned place." Major Sharma said and left the place, the meeting was over.

"You should be here." Shrinath said to Vansh who instantly replied.

"No." He said and went away.

"You know Riddhima, I lost all hopes to see you again." Vansh said playing with her fingers, and she was listening to him quietly. 

"I was very lost by the thought of loosing you ..but you know what? Today I feel proud. Proud of being your husband." He said and kissed her fingers.

Riddhima just blinked, with too much of help she had started to respond. Of course she wanted to get rid of all the things attatched to her, but she was had a feeling she couldn't even describe.

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