36. Guns and Roses

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So many clocks tickled at the same time, so many eyes on different watches, so many heartbeats raising as the time went ahead.

The OT was finally open, but doctor saw no one, hyper about the patient who was fighting from death, since morning. Kabir saw the doctor sighing and went to him.

"Is sh..she fine?" Kabir asked.

"Mr Rai Singhania?" The doctor asked, not wanting to take to someone else.

"He left for something. I told you. How is she?" Kabir repeat the same.

"The operation was successfully done. We will keep her in ICU for next 24 hours for safety." The doctor said it all in one go and left.

Kabir had nothing to say, he looked at Riddhima again being shifted to ICU.

"It's time to leave." Shrinath said and patted Vansh's shoulder who was lost in his thoughts.

"I want something from you." Vansh said and Shrinath smiled confusingly.

"If..if something happens, give this to my mother." Vansh said passing a paper to him.

"Nothing will happen." Shrinath said taking the paper from him.

Vansh nodded, and left from the tent.

It was nearly dawn, and all were standing atthe bank of Kunhar river, which felt the border of life and death to everyone standing. Young or middle aged, all were determined for one thing, to finish them, to get their motherland free from black spots.

The first boat was placed in the river, Vansh and two other soldiers were first one to cross the river. The coldness of water could be felt, one side the sun was nearly set, the other side the moon was shining bright with start accompanying.

It was just water flowing and insects making noises, the boat reached the other side safely and they stepped as slow as they could.

It wasn't easy, no one has ever been here before, no pictures, no information about the place.. everything was always imagined, as a rough ground with pebbles and wild grass grown on it.

It was different, beautiful flowers were blooming in between the long grass, which was grown to hide something. With small and steady footsteps, gun aimed to shoot, Vansh was the first one to enter inside the grass.

A rustle was heard as soon as they entered, and Vansh started to move towards the song. A teenage boy was sitting in between the grass, shivering with cold and horror, being scared of the gun in his hand.

Vansh pulled him out and checked if he had any weapon, he had nothing so he was dragged out and put of the boat which was being pulled back by people that side.

Moving ahead, they could feel warmth and hear some men chatting. Vansh peeked to see a group of men, having many weapons along their side. Vansh changed his gun with a sniping one, and shot the person who was humming a song. Chaos were all over and shooting started from all the sides.

It was made confirmed that everyone was dead, and the group moved ahead. As they knew, shooting started from the other side and all of them actually not with any protection. Wiping his sweat, Vansh kept his gun down and opened up a bomb, aiming at the place where the firing was from he threw it. And after the blast, there was no shooting from the opposite side.

Again moving ahead, the whole area was checked and it was confirmed that everyone is dead. There was a wave of happiness spread all over, a relieved smile on everyone's face. It was Vansh, who initiated among the panting team.

"Bharat Mata Ki"


It echoed all over, not a place near was left that unheard their voice, full of patriotism. The same returned from the other side of the river, and all happily returned back towards the river.

As soon as Riddhima was placed on the bed, all the machines started to beep loudly and the doctor was called in very short time, but before he even reached, it was all silent, Riddhima; was totally lifeless.

"She's dead"

Returning in the opposite order, Vansh and other were sharing happiness when the last boat reached to them. Vansh looked at the boy, holding had a Soldier on that side. But he didn't felt confident of him being found there.

Shouts surrounded all over, while Vansh and others looked at the boy, who had three the bomb exactly, into their boat. All he could do, was just a mere whisper, the shouts went unheard, Vansh closed his eyes, recalling everything.

His college life, his happiness when he knew he was going to serve in army, his first day at army training, his family, his "Riddhima"

And the bomb, blasted in the waters.

Vansh fell into the cold river, his face towards the opposite side, and what he saw at last was a gun, lying along with a rose. A faint smile lingered his lips, and he closed his eyes into the deepest slumber.

Weird no?

Her last words were I love you, his last word was her name.

Both lived for nation, before each other.

And that too *chuckling*

They both died for the nation, not before presenting their love for each other.

Battle is not only fought on the borders, some battles are fought within the heart. Some battles leave big scars to the loved ones. Some disputes convert whole life to battle scars.

Maybe you can't see but I am smiling with tears..
I didn't want to publish it *chuckling*
Huh... I will soon come up with an epilogue and some more of my idiotic note.
Thankyou all so much for your love and support ❤️ it's never enough.

Just one question before the end.
Any thoughts about a prequel?

I hope to get some response though! 🥺
Tanvi 💫


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