31. Riddhima!

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Do listen to this awesome person!!💜

Vansh rushed into the car followed by Kumud and Shrinath.

"Dial to Armaan." Vansh said starting the car and drove towards the snow covered mountains.

"I can't even imagine to what extent would they have hurt her. I am terrified." Kumud stated, not knowing the fact of Vansh and Riddhima's relationship.

Her phone pinged and she looked back at Shrinath and sighed. Vansh looked at the car's speed, which was not increasing even if he wanted to. He hit the steering trying to drive fast, between the traffic created for checking.

"We need to reach fast." Shrinath said and got down the car, and same did Vansh and Kumud do. The trio rushed with the guns in their hands, which were luckily in the boot of the car.

"Sir, it's somewhere near only. Inside a mountain covered by snow. It is marked by something in orange colour. I got the information from Shahina." Armaan said, and they all nodded.

"Just keep tracking us so we don't loose our way." Shrinath said as they headed towards the snowy bushes. Vansh kept his every step a little harshly, so he could make sure he doesn't fall in the heavy snow.

A little more they climbed the mountain when Vansh saw an orange flower, blowing in the snow. He went near it but accidentally,

Fell down, followed by Kumud and Shrinath as the snow swept away beneath their feet.

"All good?" Armaan asked hearing the shudder from the handheld transreceiver. ( Modified walkie talkie basically)

"Yeah all good" Shrinath replied as they looked at the place.

"It's the same place as the video" Vansh's voice trembled as he said.

His heart beat increased, and he could blood rushing through his head not due to cold, but also with extreme fear.

"29, R W H" Shrinath said pointing at the board behind them. Kumud clicked a picture of it, and mostly all of stuff lying there, including various guns, parts of bombs, wires and much more.

Vansh looked towards the open empty cupboard. Sighing he pulled it from its place and as he knew, there was a new way to go. It was a small metal gate with grills and a lock on its latch.

Setting the silencer on her gun Kumud shot the lock open, and opened the gate entering inside at first. Vansh stood at the gate, blankly. Kumud closed her eyes as soon as she went inside, and continued walking near.

"Sir, blanket" Kumud said, and Vansh hurriedly ran and gave her the blanket, and looked at her. Her barely open eyes speaking all the pain she took on herself.

"Riddhima.." a tear escaped his eyes as he sniffled, and sat near her scooping her in his arms he hugged her tightly. Tears left his eyes one by one looking at her face, swollen and red, cuts on forehead, blue marks under the eyes.

"Vansh..calm down, we need to take her to the hospital" Shrinath supported him patting his shoulder, and Vansh stood up with Riddhima in his arms as the trio rushed outwards.

"We need to be alert." Kumud said walking at front while Shrinath covering from the back, they ran into the car and then to the hospital.

Reaching the nearest camp Riddhima got admitted and was being handled by doctors. Anyone could see her state and tell that's her condition is critical.

"Vansh, we need to go now." Shrinath said as Vansh stood at the door of ICU.

"What about informing the family?" Vansh asked.

"Major General has gave orders, we need to investigate the place before they return and leave her to the doctors. A team of people is here for taking her statements...." Shrinath stopped in between his words.

"Why did you stop? Complete and say before she dies. We should go before I do something." Vansh said and went out with heavy footsteps.

Coming back to the same place, they emptied it fully, not even a single thing was left there and loaded in a truck to the forensic for further details. Every picture kept there was clicked, and the place was filled with dirt and then a thick cover of a snow. Just the same way it was before.

"It's 6. That's it I am going." Vansh said looking at his watch and rushed from the place.

Not to the hospital, but Vansh went to a edge of the mountain and sat on the bench looking at the stars. He cried, all tears made way as he coughed in between.

Feeling his mind and heart light, he wiped his face and moved towards the hospital. And as he had guessed before, no one cared for her life. Few of the officers were inside trying to take her statement.

"How is she?" Vansh asked the doctor, who was standing in the corner staring at everyone who didn't even look at him.

"She is not that fine. I must say I am really looking into it, they forcefully kept her alive after torturing, I really wished she would have died better than bearing such pain for such a long time.
" The doctor said with a sigh "I am sure she will slip in coma, or maybe she will need life support system. And these just want her speak." He said with a weird face.

And she did, Riddhima parted her lips to speak. But a person being tortured for months would be able to do so in a such a small time?

"At least give her sometime to overcome what happened with her. Not physically but let her recover mentally." The doctor went in between and pushed the others aside.

"I request you all to leave. My patient needs some rest and you too." He said making all sigh and exit the room.

Vansh came near with slow steps, she was conscious. He came and very gently kept her hand in his, and she gripped it tight as he caressed her fingers.

"I missed you." He whispered slowly, and Riddhima smiled faintly, which was barely visible from the oxygen mask she wore.


This was one of the boom episodes right?
Next episode is ready and my hand is fine now. But...

My exams are starting from 1 so I won't be active at that time or maybe from tomorrow only.

After 53 votes... isn't it needed!
Take care of yourself y'all
Tanvi 💫

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